1. I visited the dwellings of the tribe of Hind,
Desolate places changed after me.
١. غَشيتُ مَنازِلاً مِن آل هِندٍ
قِفاراً بُدِّلَت بَعدي عُفِيّا
2. Their ashes appear and the tracks of tents,
With a blackened cooking pot boiling in them.
٢. تُبينُ رَمادَها وَمَخَطَّ نُؤيٍ
وَأَشعَثَ ماثِلاً فيها ثَوِيّا
3. My tears from their acquaintances almost
Cared for the matter, then I remembered one alive.
٣. فَكادَت مِن مَعارِفِها دُموعي
تَهُمُّ الشَأنَ ثُمَّ ذَكَرتُ حَيّا
4. Ignorance would have wept for you as a duty,
But I do not like to be called foolish.
٤. وَكانَ الجَهلُ لَو أَبكاكَ رَسمٌ
وَلَستُ أُحِبُّ أَن أُدعى سَفِيّا
5. And a noble, generous, forgiving reproacher
I have become at dawn a captured cup.
٥. وَنَدمانٍ كَريمِ الجَدِّ سَمحٍ
صَبَحتُ بِسُحرَةٍ كَأساً سَبِيّا
6. He is wary that blamers will hasten
So he is told he has become reckless.
٦. يُحاذِرُ أَن تُباكِرَ عاذِلاتٌ
فَيُنبَأَ أَنَّهُ أَضحى غَوِيّا
7. So he said to us, “Is there no roast
With allusion?” and he did not conceal the meaning.
٧. فَقالَ لَنا أَلا هَل مِن شِواءٍ
بِتَعريضٍ وَلَم يَكميهِ عِيّا
8. So I sent the boy and I did not tarry
To the best she-camels loaded evenly.
٨. فَأَرسَلتُ الغُلامَ وَلَم أُلَبِّث
إِلى خَيرِ البَوائِكِ تَوهَرِيّا
9. She went to stand without going to market
And I made her follow a broad saddle.
٩. فَناءَت لِلقِيامِ لِغَيرِ سَوقٍ
وَأُتبِعُها جُرازاً مُشرَفِيّا
10. He remained with a blessing sought after
And went away generously swaying.
١٠. فَظَلَّ بِنِعمَةٍ يُسعى عَلَيهِ
وَراحَ بِها كَريماً أَجفَلِيّا
11. When cares visited me
I would read out the care as intensely dark.
١١. وَكُنتُ إِذا الهُمومُ تَضَيَّفَتني
قَرَيتُ الهَمَّ أَهوَجَ دَوسَرِيّا
12. A she-camel of his, a shield against hot wind,
Upon being loaded would not complain of exhaustion.
١٢. بُوَيزِلَ عامِهِ مِردى قِذافٍ
عَلى التَأويبِ لا يَشكو الوَنِيّا
13. She bolts into the wilderness so he spurs her
And the miles her feet cracked are binding.
١٣. يُشيحُ عَلى الفَلاةِ فَيَعتَليها
وَأَذرَعُ ما صَدَعتَ بِهِ المَطِيّا
14. It is as if when I deter her with my voice
I deterred with it one heavily pregnant.
١٤. كَأَني حينَ أَزجُرُهُ بِصَوتي
زَجَرتُ بِهِ مُدِلّاً أَخدَرِيّا
15. She slowed out of weakness, her burden removed
So that her destination would be nearby.
١٥. تَمَهَّلَ عانَةً قَد ذَبَّ عَنها
يَكونَ مَصامُهُ مَنها قَصِيّا
16. He prolonged urging and bringing near until
You mentioned with it one passing by.
١٦. أَطالَ الشَدَّ وَالتَقريبَ حَتّى
ذَكَرتَ بِهِ مُمَرّاً أَندَرِيّا
17. With it in a garden the two months of spring
He travelled over a plain intensely dark.
١٧. بِها في رَوضَةٍ شَهرَي رَبيعٍ
فَسافَ لَها أَديماً أَدلَصِيّا
18. Glancing - does he see an apparition drawing near?
And the high flags would fail besides it.
١٨. مُشيحاً هَل يَرى شَبَحاً قَريباً
وَيوفي دونَها العَلَمَ العَلِيّا
19. When he meets a terrible wasteland
He would pass a very hard day over them.
١٩. إِذا لاقى بِظاهِرَةٍ دَحيقاً
أَمَرَّ عَلَيهِما يَوماً قَسِيّا
20. So when the remnants diminished from him
And the pastures lacked what would restore him,
٢٠. فَلَمّا قَلَّصَت عَنهُ البَقايا
وَأَعوَزَ مِن مَراتِعِهِ اللَوِيّا
21. There clamored over her a yearling camel, foolishly playing,
Bellowing over her shoulders like a child.
٢١. أَرَنَّ فَصَكَّها صَخِبٌ دَءولٌ
يَعُبُّ عَلى مَناكِبِها الصَبِيّا
22. So he brought her to a red-haired male camel
Who drools when he sees delicious meat.
٢٢. فَأَورَدَها عَلى طِملٍ يَمانٍ
يُهِلُّ إِذا رَأى لَحماً طَرِيّا
23. He has a she-camel that occupied his hands
And he was strong in controlling her.
٢٣. لَهُ شِريانَةٌ شَغَلَت يَدَيهِ
وَكانَ عَلى تَقَلُّدِها قَوِيّا
24. And a coat of mail which date palms wove for him
That binds over his positions intensely.
٢٤. وَزُرقٌ قَد تَنَخَّلَها لِقَضبٍ
يَشُدُّ عَلى مَناصِبِها النَضِيّا
25. She fell back when he built her
And took up from her a hidden seat.
٢٥. تَرَدّى بُرأَةً لَمّا بَناها
تَبَوَّأَ مَقعَداً مِنها خَفِيّا
26. When he did not see much confusion in her
He returned her to pasture satiated.
٢٦. فَلَمّا لَم يَرَينَ كَثيرَ ذُعرٍ
وَرَدنَ صَوادِياً وَرداً كَمِيّا
27. So he sent the fighters while the warriors
Encountered the battle cry of Yathrib.
٢٧. فَأَرسَلَ وَالمَقاتِلُ مُعوِراتٌ
لِما لاقَت ذُعافاً يَثرِبِيّا
28. The blade fell, soaked in blood,
And the leather bucket flew into pieces.
٢٨. فَخَرَّ النَصلُ مُنقَعِصاً رَثيماً
وَطارَ القِدحُ أَشتاتاً شَظِيّا
29. He bit his fingers in anguish
And met his day with sorrow and disappearance.
٢٩. وَعَضَّ عَلى أَنامِلِهِ لَهيفاً
وَلاقى يَومَهُ أَسَفاً وَغِيّا
30. He went moaning, stricken,
Announcing his wedding an open matter.
٣٠. وَراحَ بِحِرَّةٍ لَهِفاً مُصاباً
يُنَبِّئُ عِرسَهُ أَمراً جَلِيّا
31. If she were to be hit there with five arrows,
The two of them would be snakes to her.
٣١. فَلَو لُطِمَت هُناكَ بَذاتِ خَمسٍ
لَكانا عِندَها حِتنَينِ سِيّا
32. They were confident that if he brought them
Flesh, whether morning or evening,
٣٢. وَكانوا واثِقينَ إِذا أَتاهُم
بِلَحمٍ إِن صَباحاً أَو مُسِيّا