1. The patron of the weak victory's cry
I have been hostile to him in ways I should not have been
١. وَمَولى ضَعيفِ النَصرِ ناءٍ مَحَلُّهُ
جَشِمتُ لَهُ ما لَيسَ مِنّي جاشِمُه
2. When he saw me approaching, he raised his voice
Against the spears, and I supported the one who contends with him
٢. إِذا ما رَآني مُقبِلاً شَدَّ صَوتَهُ
عَلى القِرنِ وَاِعلَولى عَلى مَن يُخاصِمُه
3. And I readied a naked sword and lent him my saddle
To one who stirs up trouble or harms a generous man
٣. وَأَجرَدَ مَيّاحٍ وَهَبتُ بِسِرجِهِ
لِمُختَبِطٍ أوذي دَلالٍ أُكارِمُه
4. Because my people have left me exposed, myself and my virtue
And a young man's people are his claws and pillars
٤. عَلى أَنَّ قَومي أَسلَموني وَعُرَّتي
وَقَومُ الفَتى أَظفارُهُ وَدَعائِمُه