
My heart cannot conceal its love though I wished to hide it

إن قلبي عن تكتم غير سال

1. My heart cannot conceal its love though I wished to hide it
She allured me, though union was not her desire

١. إِنَّ قَلبي عَن تُكتَمٍ غَيرُ سالِ
تَيَّمَتني وَما أَرادَت وِصالي

2. Do you see her caravan passing speedily by
Like a fleeing oryx from the first watering place?

٢. هَل تَرى عيرَها تُجيزُ سِراعاً
كَالعَدَولِيِّ رائِحاً مِن أُوالِ

3. They alighted at the spring to rest awhile
Then travelled on to a waving meadow

٣. نَزَلوا مِن سُوَيقَةِ الماءِ ظُهراً
ثُمَّ راحوا لِلنَعفِ نَعفِ مَطالِ

4. There they lingered, ceaselessly raising
The burdens from the camel's hump

٤. ثُمَّ أَضحَوا عَلى الدَثينَةِ لا يَألونَ
أَن يَرفَعوا صُدورَ الجِمالِ

5. Their cooking pots soon bubbled over
Under the cooking shed's shade

٥. ثُمَّ كانَ الحِساءُ مِنهُم مُصيفاً
ضارِباتِ الخُدورِ تَحتَ الهَدالِ

6. Amazed, Tuktam cried "How strange today
That you see me changed!"

٦. فَزِعَت تُكتَمُ وَقالَت عَجيباً
أَن رَأَتني تَغَيَّرَ اليَومَ حالي

7. "O virtuous one! We are only captives
To the days' vicissitudes after the nights."

٧. يا اِبنَةَ الخَيرِ إِنَّما نَحنُ رَهنٌ
لِصُروفِ الأَيّامِ بَعدَ اللَيالي

8. Time has been harsh and shown me its might
As once it humbled the strong like me

٨. جَلَّحَ الدَهرُ وَاِنتَحى لي وَقِدماً
كانَ يُنحي القُوى عَلى أَمثالي

9. Its arrows have pierced me since it saw
That Solaima's arrows left me alone

٩. أَقصَدَتني سِهامُهُ إِذ رَأَتني
وَتَوَلَّت عَنهُ سُلَيمى نِبالي

10. This which you saw is nothing strange
But wonder at the waning of life's days

١٠. لا عَجيبٌ فيما رَأَيتِ وَلَكِن
عَجَبٌ مِن تَفَرُّطِ الآجالِ

11. Fate will strike down the climber on the steep hill
And the hermit atop the mountain's peak

١١. تُدرِكُ التِمسَحَ المُوَلَّعَ في اللُج
جَةِ وَالعُصمَ في رُؤوسِ الجِبالِ

12. And the unique one with the frowning face
Who chose the secure sands as home

١٢. وَالفَريدَ المُسَفَّعَ الوَجهِ ذا الجُدَّةِ
يَختارُ آمِناتِ الرِمالِ

13. And stood up to fell the valiant, lofty hero
Between the bleak wilderness and prairie

١٣. وَتَصَدّى لِتَصرَعَ البَطَلَ الأَر
وَعَ بَينَ العَلهاءِ وَالسِربالِ