1. Umma came to me with nothing but questions,
And nothing but an imagination meeting imagination.
١. نَأَتكَ أُمامَةُ إِلّا سُؤالاً
وَإِلّا خَيالاً يُوافي خَيالا
2. Her tryst accompanies the night,
And with dawn, nothing remains but traces.
٢. يُوافي مَع اللَيلِ ميعادُها
وَيَأبى مَعَ الصُبحِ إِلّا زِيالا
3. That is how she gives of her love,
And if she witnessed, she would not grant union.
٣. فَذَلِكَ تَبذُلُ مِن وُدِّها
وَلَو شَهِدَت لَم تُواتِ النَوالا
4. My heart shuddered when they declared,
And it was said the mixed throng endured.
٤. وَقَد ريعَ قَلبي إِذ أَعلَنوا
وَقيلَ أَجَدَّ الخَليطُ اِحتِمالا
5. The two suitors urged departure
With the dawn when they consulted beauty.
٥. وَحَثَّ بِها الحادِيانِ النَجاءَ
مَعَ الصُبحِ لَمّا اِستَشاروا الجِمالا
6. She mounts the howdah with her anklets,
And they walk, after sandals, with sandals.
٦. بَوازِلَ تُحدى بِأَحداجِها
وَيُحذَينَ بَعدَ نِعالٍ نِعالا
7. When they departed, my tears preceded
And I scattered for her, after struggle, contention.
٧. فَلَمّا نَأَوا سَبَقَت عَبرَتي
وَأَذرَت لَها بَعدَ سَجلٍ سِجالا
8. You see them, when the suitor urges them on,
Moving slowly with coyness and haste.
٨. تَراها إِذا اِحتَثَّها الحادِيا
نِ بِالخَبتِ يُرقِلنَ سَيراً عِجالا
9. With shade they were replaced after departure,
And after dispute, they loved the litter.
٩. فَبِالظِلِّ بُدِّلنَ بَعدَ الهَجيرِ
وَبَعدَ الحِجالِ أَلِفنَ الرِحالا
10. Among them is Khaulah, beauty of women,
Who excelled people in grace and perfection.
١٠. وَفيهِنَّ خَولَةُ زَينُ النِسا
ءِ زادَت عَلى الناسِ طُرّاً جَمالا
11. She has the eyes of a houri in a garden,
And she walks tall with the plants.
١١. لَها عَينُ حَوراءَ في رَوضَةٍ
وَتَقرو مَعَ النَبتِ أَرطىً طِوالا
12. She passes the toothstick over one who is cold
Whose drink resembles but is not drink.
١٢. وَتُجري السِواكَ عَلى بارِدٍ
يُخالُ السَيالَ وَلَيسَ السَيالا
13. As if the wine is far from where he sleeps,
While she gives you fresh, pure drink.
١٣. كَأَنَّ المُدامَ بُعَيدَ المَنامِ
عَلَيها وَتَسقيكَ عَذباً زُلالا
14. As if the braids in her branches
Are ropes connecting ropes within her.
١٤. كَأَنَّ الذَوائِبَ في فَرعِها
حِبالٌ تُوَصِّلُ فيها حِبالا
15. A face that bewilders all who look
Thinking the crescent has appeared to them.
١٥. وَوَجهٌ يَحارُ لَهُ الناظِرونَ
يَخالونَهُم قَد أَهَلّوا هِلالا
16. To a cheek like the baby camel's hump
And a hand that turns the egg of an infant.
١٦. إِلى كَفَلٍ مِثلِ دِعصِ النَقا
وَكَفٍّ تُقَلِّبُ بيضاً طِفالا
17. She appeared but I got from her love
Neither union nor what equals union.
١٧. فَبانَت وَما نِلتُ مِن وُدِّها
قِبالاً وَلا ما يُساوي قِبالا
18. How can you mend the cord of harmony
Of one glorious who does not want separation?
١٨. وَكَيفَ تَبُتّينَ حَبلَ الصَفا
ءِ مِن ماجِدٍ لا يُريدُ اِعتِزالا
19. He wanted union, so I wished him well,
And what I said became misguidance.
١٩. أَرادَ النَوالَ فَمَنَّيتِهِ
وَأَضحى الَّذي قُلتِ فيهِ ضَلالا
20. A noble the glory suits like excellence
Whose loyalty one day polished him.
٢٠. فَتىً يَبتَني المَجدَ مِثلُ الحُسا
مِ أَخلَصَهُ القَينُ يَوماً صِقالاً
21. He leads the brave to meet the brave,
Engaging whoever wants to fight.
٢١. يَقودُ الكُماةَ لِيَلقى الكُماةَ
يُنازِلُ ما إِن أَرادوا النِزالا
22. He makes their horsemen in the clash
Turn back when death's mill turns.
٢٢. يُشَبِّهُ فُرسانَهُم في اللِقاءِ
إِذا ما رَحى المَوتِ دارَت حِيالا
23. And walks men to the armed
Like the necks of khurr urging the separated.
٢٣. وَتَمشي رِجالاً إِلى الدارِعينَ
كَأَعناقِ خَورٍ تُزجّي فِصالا
24. And clothes the warriors, the necks of men,
As the horsemen protect men.
٢٤. وَتَكسو القَواطِعَ هامَ الرِجا
لِ وَتَحمي الفَوارِسُ مِنّا الرِجالا
25. And the injustice of what has passed refuses me
And in dispute, we raise contention.
٢٥. وَيَأبى لِيَ الضَيمَ ما قَد مَضى
وَعِندَ الخِصامِ فَنَعلو جِدالا
26. With words that humble the contenders
And surpass them if they want favor.
٢٦. بِقَولٍ يَذَلُّ لَهُ الرائِضو
نَ وَيَفضُلُهُم إِن أَرادوا فِضالا
27. An emigrant like the sands of Mahra
When the little owl cuts through barrenness.
٢٧. وَهاجِرَةٍ كَأُوارِ الجَحي
مِ قَطَعتُ إِذا الجُندُبُ الجَونُ قالا
28. And a night whose darkness I manipulated,
Feared by those who ignite the evil.
٢٨. وَلَيلٍ تَعَسَّفتُ دَيجورَهُ
يَخافُ بِهِ المُدلِجونَ الخَبالا