1. I have a master, weak in his victory, complaining is his trait
I have borne for him what was not in me to bear
١. وَمَولىً ضَعيفِ النَصرِ ناءٍ مَحَلُّهُ
جَشِمتُ لَهُ ما لَيسَ مِنّي جاشِمُهُ
2. When he sees me coming, he raises his voice
Against the spear, and makes a fuss against whoever contends with him
٢. إِذا ما رَآني مُقبِلاً شَدَّ صَوتَهُ
عَلى القِرنِ وَاِعلَولى عَلى مَن يُخاصِمُهُ
3. A gaunt, bellowing camel, its saddle given up
To a lost one, or to one who hides me
٣. وَأَجرَدٍ مَيّاحٍ وَهَبَت بِسَرجِهِ
لِمُختَبِطٍ أَو ذي دَلالٍ أَكاتِمُهُ
4. Though my people have left me vulnerable, and my honor
A young man's people are his claws and his pillars
٤. عَلى أَنَّ قَومي أَسلَموني وَعُرَّتي
وَقَومُ الفَتى أَظفارُهُ وَدَعائِمُهُ