
He wet his pants in fear and panic

بل السراويل من خوف ومن وهل

1. He wet his pants in fear and panic,
And begged for water when on the run.

١. بَلَّ السرَاويلَ مِن خوفٍ ومِن وَهَلٍ
واستَطعَمَ المَاءَ لَمَّا جَدَّ فِي الهَرَبِ

2. The most musical of all people by far,
Who loved to interpolate poems in his speeches.

٢. وَألحَنُ النَّاسِ كُلِّ النَّاسِ قَاطِبَةً
وكان يُؤلعُ بِالتَّشدِيقِ فِي الخُطَبِ