1. We called on Allah, the Gracious, when
The rule of the slaves over us grew long,
١. دَعَونَا اللهَ ذَا النَّعماءِ لَمَّا
علينَا طَالَ سُلطَانُ العَبِيدِ
2. So we and the Caliph were in evil state
By Maslamah the Blessed or Sa'eed.
٢. فكُنَّا والخَلِيفَةُ إذ سُوءِ حَالٍ
بِمَسلَمَة المبارَكِ أَو سَعِيدِ
3. Like the people of Hell when they cried out,
They were helped with scalding water and pus.
٣. كَأهلِ جَهَنّمٍ لَمَّا استَغاثُوا
أُغِيثُوا بِالحَمِيمِ مَعَ الصَّدِيدِ