
I say to those who ask about Bilal

أقول لمن يسائل عن بلال

1. I say to those who ask about Bilal
And Abdullah among our noble men

١. أَقُولَ لمن يُسَائِلُ عَن بِلاَلٍ
وعبدالله عند ثَنَا الرِّجال

2. Bilal was the most devout we ever saw
And Abdullah the most devout after Bilal

٢. بِلالٌ كَانَ أَلأَمُ من رأينَا
وعبدُالله أَلاأَمُ من بِلال

3. They are brothers, one corrupted
The other loose-lipped and shameless

٣. هُمَا أَخَوانِ أَمَّا ذَا فَجُورٌ
وَأَمَّا ذَا فَأَصهَبُ ذُو سِبَال

4. Their features resemble the brood of Ham
Their mother is like a slave girl

٤. فحُوبُهما يشَبَّهُ نَسل حَامٍ
وأُمُّهُمُ تَشَبَّهُ بِالمَوالِي

5. As for their father we saw
Dark-faced, devoid of beauty

٥. وكَانَ أَبُوهما فِيما رأَينَا
أَسِيلَ الوَجهِ مَنسِيُّ الجمالِ

6. Thus they disgraced Abu Musa
With their apostasy and misguidance

٦. فَقَد فَضَحَا أَبَا مُوسَى وَشَانَا
بَنِيهِ بالتَّهَوُّدِ والضَّلاَلِ