
The ruler's staff is foremost in the house to the newcomer

عصا حكم في الدار أول داخل

1. The ruler's staff is foremost in the house to the newcomer
While we remain by the doors, denied and barred

١. عَصَا حَكمٍ فِي الدَّارِ أَوَّلُ دَاخلٍ
وَنَحنُ عَلَى الأَبوَابِ نُقصى ونُحجَبُ

2. Moses' staff was for Pharaoh a sign
But by God, this one is more wondrous and amazing

٢. وكَانَت عَصَا مُوسَى لِفِرعَونَ أَيةً
وهذِي لَعَمرُ الله أَدهَى وأعجَبُ

3. It is obeyed, never disobeyed, its anger is feared
And pleasing it is sought, as is avoiding its wrath

٣. تُطاعُ فَلاَ تُعصَى ويُحذَرُ سُخطُها
ويُرغَبُ فِي المرضاة فِيها ويُرهَبُ