
Generosity impoverished them and exhausted their wealth

الجود أفلسهم وأذهب مالهم

1. Generosity impoverished them and exhausted their wealth
So today, if they seek pardon, they act miserly

١. الجودُ أَفلَسَهُم وَأَذهَبَ مالَهُم
فَاليَومَ إِن راموا السَماحَةَ يَبخَلوا

2. Generosity impoverished them and changed their condition
And today if they seek bounty, they make excuses

٢. الجودُ أَفلَسَهُم وَغَيَّرَ حالَهُم
وَاليَومَ إِن سَئَلوا النَوالَ تَمَحَّلوا