1. If I sailed the seas, they would become still pools,
You would not see any waves in their depths,
١. لَو رَكبتُ البِحارَ صارَت فِجاجا
لا تَرى في مُتونِها أَمواجا
2. If I placed a piece of amber in the palm of my hand,
It would surely turn into glass,
٢. فَلَو أَنّي وَضَعتُ يا قوتَةً حَمرا
ءَ في راحَتي لَصارَت زُجاجا
3. And if I passed by the sweet Euphrates,
Without doubt, its water would turn salty and bitter,
٣. وَلو أَنّي وَرَدتُ عَذباً فُراتاً
عادَ لا شَكَّ فيهِ مِلحاً أَجاجا
4. So to God I complain and to the virtuous I turn,
For I have become with my misery - a chicken.
٤. فَإِلى اللَهِ أَشتَكي وَإِلى الفَض
لِ فَقَد أَصبَحتُ بِزاتي دَجاجا