
The starling has returned bankrupt,

عاد الشمقمق في الخسارة

1. The starling has returned bankrupt,
Yearning for its nest.

١. عادَ الشَمَقمَقُ في الخَسارَةِ
وَصِبا وَحنّ إَلى زُراره

2. After it was said, pasture,
It woke up at the doors of the witty.

٢. من بَعدِ ما قيلَ اِرعَوى
وَصَحا لِأَبوابِ الشَطاره

3. Of Mocha coffee,
Its color like embers.

٣. مِن قَهوَةٍ مكِيَّةٍ
وَاللَونُ مِثلَ الجَلناره

4. It leaves the forbearing without prohibition,
Perplexed, without comprehension.

٤. تَدَعُ الحَليمَ بِلا نُهى
حَيران ليسَ بِهِ أَحاره

5. And it may have sung about it,
Oh neighbor, I was not a neighbor.

٥. وَلَرُبَّما غَنّى بِها
يا جارَتا ما كُنتُ جاره

6. O king who
Combined majesty and dignity,

٦. يا أَيُّها المَلِكُ الَّذي
جَمَعَ الجَلالَةَ وَالوَقاره

7. And inherited good traits,
As well as construction and generosity.

٧. وَرَثَ المَكارِمَ صالِحاً
وَالجودُ مِنهُ وَالعَماره

8. I saw you in a dream,
And you promised me a visit.

٨. إِنّي رَأَيتُكَ في المَنا
م وَعَدَتني مِنكَ الزَياره

9. So I came to you seeking,
And you confirm the expression.

٩. فَغَدَوتُ نَحوَكَ قاصِداً
وَعَلَيكَ تَصديقُ العَباره

10. The dew brought me
Your generosity and good news.

١٠. إِنّي أَتتني بِالنَدى
وَالجود مِنكَ إِلى البَشاره

11. I left my dependents
At noon, their food dried bread,

١١. إِنَّ العِيالَ تَركتُهُم
بِالعَصرِ خُبزُهُم العَصاره

12. And their drink donkey urine,
Mixed with donkey urine.

١٢. وَشَرابُهُم بَولُ الحِمارِ
مِزاجُهُ بَولُ الحماره

13. They clamored so I said, be patient,
For success comes with patience.

١٣. ضَجّوا فَقُلتُ تَصَبَّروا
فَالنَجحُ يَقرنُ بِالصباره

14. Until I visit the Hashemite,
Brother of blossoms and youth.

١٤. حَتّى أَزورَ الهاشِمِيَّ
أَخو الغَضارَةِ وَالنَضاره

15. And I came though I have nothing
Except your praise as merchandise.

١٥. وَلَقد غَدَوتُ وَلَيسَ لي
إِلّا مَديحُكَ مِن تِجاره