
The people told me, "Visit Sa'id ibn Salam,"

قال لي الناس زر سعيد بن سلم

1. The people told me, "Visit Sa'id ibn Salam,"
I told the people, "I will not visit Sa'id."

١. قالَ لِيَ الناسُ زُر سَعيدَ بنَ سَلَمٍ
قُلتُ لِلناسِ لا أَزورُ سَعيدا

2. My prince is a young man of Khuza'a in Basra
Who has spread generosity and munificence there.

٢. وَأَميري فَتى خُزاعَةَ بِالبَصرَةِ
قَد عَمَّها سَماحاً وَجودا

3. Sa'id is indeed a fine young man, but
Malik is the most generous person alive.

٣. وَلَنِعمَ الفَتى سَعيدٌ وَلَكِن
مالِكٌ أَكرَمُ البَرِيَّةِ عودا