1. How different the two Yazids are in generosity
When the noble deeds and glory are counted among people
١. لَشَتّانَ ما بَينَ اليَزيدَينِ في النَدى
إِذا عَدَّ في الناسِ المَكارِم وَالمَجدُ
2. Yazid son of Shayban is more generous than both of them
Even if Qays bin Aylan and Al-Azad were angry
٢. يَزيدُ بَني شَيبانَ أَكرَمَ مِنهُما
وَإِن غَضَبَت قَيسُ بنُ عَيلان وَالأَزدُ
3. A young man no tribe of herders gave birth to
No Lakhm raised him, and no breasts nursed him
٣. فَتىً لَم تَلِدهُ مِن رَعينِ قَبيلَةٍ
وَلا لَخَمَ تَنميهِ وَلَم تَنمِهِ نَهدُ
4. But Al-Ghurr from the family of Wail raised him
And Barrah nursed him, and after her Hind did
٤. وَلَكِن نَمَتهُ الغرُّ مِن آلِ وائِلٍ
وَبرَةَ تَنميهِ وَمِن بَعدَها هِندُ