
The camels set out seeking water towards you,

رحل المطي إليك طلاب الندى

1. The camels set out seeking water towards you,
And my she-camel with worn out shoes headed towards you,

١. رَحَلَ المَطِيَّ إِلَيكَ طِلابُ النَدى
وَرَحَلَت نَحوَكَ ناقَةٌ نَعلِيّه

2. Since I had no mount, O Yazid,
I made it my mount for the journey.

٢. إِذ لَم تَكُن لي يا يَزيدُ مُطيَةً
فَجَعَلتُها لي في السِفارِ مَطيَه

3. It walks ahead of the caravan and grazes freely,
Leaving behind the swift ones during travel.

٣. تَحدو أَمامَ اليَعمُلاتِ وَتَفتَلي
في السَيرِ تَترُكُ خَلفَها المَهرِيَّة

4. Every swollen belly of mountain valley echoes,
Breaking the silence of every sandy dune.

٤. مِن كُلِّ طاوِيَةِ الحَشى مَزورَةٌ
قَطَعاً لِكُلِّ تَنوفَةٍ دَوِيَّة

5. It alternates between the greatest pastures in its abode,
With lineage, leadership, and glorious dwelling.

٥. تَنتابُ أَكبَرَ وائِلٍ في بَيتِها
حَسَباً وَقُبَّةً وَمَجدُها مَبنِيَّة

6. I mean Yazid, sword of the family of Muhammad,
Who frightens every mighty warrior.

٦. أَعني يَزيداً سَيفَ آلِ مُحَمَّدٍ
فَرّادَ كُلِّ شَديدَةٍ مَخشِيَّة

7. His day is one of blessings and generosity,
And a day of blood and sudden death from him.

٧. يَوماهُ يَومٌ لَلمَواهِبِ وَالجِدا
خَضلٌ وَيَومُ دَمٍ وَخَطفَ مِنَيَّه

8. And indeed I have come to you confident in you, knowing
That no female praiser's praise will be heard by you.

٨. وَلَقَد أَتَيتُكَ واثِقاً بِكَ عالِماً
أَن لَيسَ تَسمَعُ مَدحَةَ بَنسِيَّة