
I am in a state, come

أنا في حال تعالى الله له

1. I am in a state, come
Oh my Lord, what state is this

١. أَنا في حالٍ تَعالى ال
له رَبّي أَيَّ حالِ

2. And I have become so weak
That the sun has erased my shadow

٢. وَلَقَد أَهزَلتُ حَتّى
مَحَتِ الشَمسُ خَيالي

3. Whoever saw something impossible
It is I, the epitome of impossibility

٣. مَن رَأى شَيئاً محالاً
فَأَنا عَينُ المحالِ

4. I have nothing if it is said
To whom do I say I have something

٤. لَيسَ لي شَيءٌ إِذا قي
ل لِمَن ذا قُلتُ ذا لي

5. And I became so poor
That I cannot even feed my family

٥. وَلَقَد أَفلَستُ حَتّى
حَلَّ أَكلي لِعِيالي

6. Whether in hot or cold weather
Be they women or men

٦. في حَر أَم الناسِ طراً
مِن نِساءٍ وَرِجالِ

7. If I see among people, a free man
He would not be in this example

٧. لَو أَرى في الناسِ حُرّاً
لَم تَكُن في ذا المِثالِ