
I made you my aid in every hardship,

جعلتك نصرتي في كل شدة

1. I made you my aid in every hardship,
After God, in trials you were my pillar.

١. جعلتك نصرتي في كلّ شدَّة
وبعد الله في الضيقات عُمدَه

2. I aimed at you throughout my days as enough for me,
And said this friendship alone suffices me.

٢. ورُمتُكَ لي مدى الأيَّام حسبي
وقلت كفاني هذا الخلّ وحده

3. I thought you would remain for some time,
And that days would grant us an extension.

٣. وكنت أظنّ ان تبقى زماناً
وان تعطي لنا الأيَّامُ مُدَّه

4. But parting would not stop tormenting me,
I met you, pleased with what I do not want extended.

٤. وما خلتُ الفراق يكف عني
لقاكَ وارضي فيما لن أَودَّه

5. And it casts me a stranger in lands,
Where my days see a thousand hardships.

٥. ويرميني غريباً في بلادٍ
أَرى فيها يومي الف شدَّه