
By your life, what are these shining stars

لعمرك ما هذي البدور الطوالع

1. By your life, what are these shining stars,
These bright moons beaming with splendor.

١. لَعَمرُكَ ما هَذي البدورُ الطوالِعُ
وَما هَذِهِ الأقمارُ وَهيَ سواطعُ

2. They radiate lights and glow with brilliance,
Their twinkling has filled the cosmos.

٢. تَشَعشَعُ أَنواراً وَتَزهو تَلألؤاً
وَقَد مَلَأ الأَكوانَ مِنها التّلامُعُ

3. They have illuminated the horizons on all sides,
The daybreak itself acquired light from them.

٣. أَضاءَت بِها الآفاقُ مِن كلِّ جانِبٍ
وَمِنها إِلى الضّوءِ اِستَحال المطالعُ

4. Stars roam in the river of the galaxy,
Dazzling planets that captivate the mind.

٤. وَتَسبَحُ في نَهرِ المَجَرَّةِ أَنجمٌ
ثَواقبُ تَسبي العَقلَ وَهيَ لَوامِعُ

5. Pearls flowing in a river of light,
Surging and shedding abundant, streaming light.

٥. لَآلئ في نَهرٍ مِن النّورِ جارِياً
تَموجُ وَمِنها الضّوءُ بادٍ وَساطِعُ

6. The azure sky was adorned by their braiding,
For what else has the sky but the stars as its ornament?

٦. بِها كانَ تَرصيعٌ لِفَيروزَجِ السّما
وَهَل لِلسّما غَير النّجومِ رَصائعُ

7. They danced with light, at times setting,
At others rising, while they return.

٧. وَقَد رَقَصَت بِالنّور مُدبرةً بِهِ
وَمُقبِلة فيهِ وَهُنَّ رَواجعُ

8. Lamps suspended, no doubt, in space
Stirred by the winds, unique wonders!

٨. قَناديلُ قَد عُلِّقنَ لا شَكَّ في الفضا
تُحَرِّكُها الأَرياحُ وَهيَ بَدائِعُ

9. By them the full moons shone radiantly
And the constellations of glory rose, being lit by them.

٩. أَضاءَت بِها تيكَ البدورُ وَأَشرَقَت
بُروجُ المَعالي وَهيَ مَنها طوالعُ

10. To them belongs the highest glory, the noblest dwelling,
Their positions exceed the most elevated stars.

١٠. لَها الشَّرَفُ الأَعلى أَجلّ مَنازلٍ
تَسامَت عَلى العَلياءِ مِنها المَرابِعُ

11. They were raised in the cradle of might and glory,
And grew up in the lap of majesty, hence they scaled high.

١١. تَرَبَّت بِمَهدِ العزِّ وَالمَجدِ أَصلها
وَشَبَّت بِحجرِ المَجدِ فَهيَ يَوافعُ

12. To them belong might embedded in the essence of beauty,
To them belong honor - a bosom, and ascendance - wet nurses.

١٢. لها المجدُ في صلب المحاسن والدٌ
لها العزُّ ثديٌ والمعالي مراضع

13. Good omen is their bosom, bliss their cradles,
And over the pinnacle of joy their pasture.

١٣. لَها اليُمنُ حُضنٌ وَالسّعودُ حَواضِنٌ
لَها فَوقَ رَأسِ الفَرقَدينِ مَراتعُ

14. Luck serves them on the pinnacle of splendor
And above the peak of fate and fortune their pursuer.

١٤. لَها السَّعدُ خدّامٌ عَلى هامَةِ السّهى
وَفَوقَ ثريّا البختِ وَالحظِّ تابعُ

15. Through them glory grows and honors rise high,
Through them beauty excels, undoubtedly manifest.

١٥. بِها الفخرُ يَنمو وَالمَفاخِرُ تَعتلي
بِها الحُسنُ يَسمو وَهوَ لا شَكَّ بارعُ

These moons are but voluntary offerings

١٦. وَما هَذِه الأَقمارُ إِلّا نَوافِلٌ
بِشَمسِ سَماءِ المَجدِ وَالمجدُ طالعُ

17. To the sun of the glorious firmament, and glory is rising!
That sun with the highest domain as its station,

١٧. وَهاتيكَ شَمسٌ في المَعالي مَقرُّها
بِأَطلَسِ أَفلاكِ العُلى وَهوَ تاسِعُ

18. At the summit of the celestial spheres, the ninth.
Not in the first sphere is its station,

١٨. وَما أَوّلُ الأَفلاكِ فيهِ مَقَرُّها
وَلا ثالث أَيضاً وثانٍ ورابعُ

19. Nor in the second, third or fourth.
Neither in the fifth, likewise, nor the sixth,

١٩. وَلا خامس أَيضاً كَذاكَ وَسادس
وَلا ثامِن أَيضاً كَذاكَ وَسابعُ

20. Nor in the eighth, likewise, nor the seventh!
Rather, at the highest pinnacle of the ninth,

٢٠. وَلَكِن بِأَعلى ذَروَةِ التّاسِعِ الّتي
عَلَيها المَعالي بِالفَخارِ رَواتِعُ

21. Where glories at the peak remain steadfast!
Without doubt, from it suns originated

٢١. وَلا بِدعَ أَنّ الشّمسَ مِنها تَوَلَّدَت
بُدورٌ وَأَقمارٌ زَواهٍ بَوارِعُ

22. And moons - luminous, shining wonders!
Verily, the full moon acquired its light from it

٢٢. أَمَا الشّمس مِنها البدرُ كانَ ضِياؤُهُ
وَما هوَ لَولا الشّمس بادٍ وَساطعُ

23. Else, without the sun, it would cease radiating!
Indeed, this is the undiminished sun of ministry!

٢٣. أَجَل هَذِهِ شَمسُ الوزارَةِ لا هَوَتْ
وَلا قَد خَلَت مِنها وَعَنها المَطالِعُ

24. The dayspring has not forsaken it.
It extends the ray of benefit with good to the land,

٢٤. تَمُدُّ شُعاعَ النّفعِ بِالخيرِ لِلوَرى
وَخَيرُ شُعاع الشّمسِ مِنها المَنافِعُ

25. And the best ray of the sun is the useful one!
It is none but the glorious and splendid one

٢٥. وَما هِيَ إِلّا الشَّهم وَالأَمجد الّذي
لِكلِّ صُنوفِ المَجدِ حاوٍ وجامعُ

26. That encompasses all types of glory.
He is the supreme master, with utmost mastery,

٢٦. هُوَ السيِّد الرابي بِأَسمى سِيادَةٍ
لَها سُرُرُ العَلياءِ عِزّاً مَضاجِعُ

27. For him are the seats of the noble a resting place.
The quintessence of the pride of time, essence of its pride,

٢٧. كَمالُ فَخارِ الدّهرِ جَوهَرُ فَخرِهِ
فَريداً سليمان الزّمان وَوازعُ

28. Peerless, Solomon of the age, and restrainer!
Minister grand in station, dignified, majestic,

٢٨. وَزيرٌ عَظيمُ القدرِ فَخمٌ سمَيدع
رَفيعُ الذّرى مَنْ تابَعوهُ سَمادِعُ

29. Lofty his position, those below him are lowly.
A prince handsome of face, above which is aura

٢٩. أَميرٌ وَسيمُ الوجهِ تَعلوهُ هَيبَةٌ
وَمِن بَينها بَرقُ البَها يَتَلامَعُ

30. Amidst which gleams the lightning of splendor!
How excellent is the kerchief on his face!

٣٠. وَيا حُسنَها مِن بُرقُعٍ فَوقَ وَجهِهِ
وَيَحسُنُ مِنها لِلوُجوهِ البَراقعُ

31. And more graceful for faces are face covers!
Lofty, expansive in status, towering, eminent,

٣١. فَخيمٌ عَريضُ الجاهِ سامٍ رفيعهُ
يُؤَيّدهُ بِالرّفعِ منهُ التواضِعُ

32. His eminence is aided by humility from him.
With forbearance - so describe Ibn Qais' forbearance!

٣٢. بِحلم فَما حلمُ اِبن قَيسٍ فَبالغوا
عَنِ البحرِ بِالتحديثِ فَالبحرُ واسعُ

33. Go beyond limits regarding the ocean for it is vast!
Noobstacle prevents describing him

٣٣. وَلا يمنَعُ التّحديث عنهُ مبالِغٌ
وَهَل عنهُ لِلتحديثِ قَد كانَ مانعُ

34. And has there been an obstacle to describing him?!
Praiseworthy traits so deeds are commended,

٣٤. حَميدُ خِصالٍ فَالفِعالُ حَميدَةٌ
وَحُسْنُ المَزايا فَهيَ فيهِ دَسائعُ

35. And beauty of attributes for in him are rarities.
Virtues of character from a generous soul

٣٥. مَكارِمُ أَخلاقٍ بِنَفسٍ كَريمَةٍ
غَرائز فيهِ قَد سَمَت وَطَبائِعُ

36. Innate in him, and now prominent, natural.
He is the formidable lion, the strong

٣٦. هُوَ الأَسدُ الرّئبالُ وَالضّيغّمُ الّذي
لَدَيهِ أُسودُ الغابِ ذُلّاً خَواضِعُ

37. Before whom lions of the forests kneel submissively!
He attacks a rose garden, intensely red

٣٧. يَكرّ عَلى وَردٍ أَغرَّ مُحجَّلٍ
كَطَودٍ عَظيمٍ مِنهُ تَعلو المَذارِعُ

38. Like a massive mountain with rising columns.
Noble, generous, eloquent Arab then ennobled

٣٨. أَصيلٍ كَريمٍ مُعربٍ ثمَّ مقربٍ
وَسَهبٍ ذَريعٍ سَلهَبٍ لا يُدافَعُ

39. A swift stallion, fierce, that cannot be resisted.
The she-camel Jardaa Sarhoob and the generous Bahr

٣٩. وَجَرداءَ سَرحوبٍ وَبحرٍ كريمةٍ
وَمَعروقةِ اللّحيَينِ لَيسَت تضارعُ

40. Prominent cheekbones, no rivals to them!
If they galloped against the mountains provoking fight

٤٠. فَلَو صَهَلَت بَينَ الجبالِ عَلى العِدى
لَمِنها اِغتَدى تَعرو الجِبالَ الزّعازِعُ

41. They would make even mountains shake from their charge!
From them came provocation in repeated contention

٤١. وَقَد وَقَعَت مِنها العِدى في تعاتِعٍ
تَعاتِعَ جَلَّت ما حَكَتها تَعاتِعُ

42. Contention placed beyond any contention!
If swords were drawn with them for contest

٤٢. وَإِن نَشَبَت مِنهُ المَضابث في العدى
فَحالاً لَهم تَبدو لَديهِ المَصارِعُ

43. Quickly would heads bow down before them as corpses!
His swords have no fault but

٤٣. مَضابِثُهُ سمرٌ عَوالٍ عَوارِتٌ
وَبيضٍ مَواضٍ مصلتاتٌ لَوامعُ

44. They are the napes of foes and cutters!
No blemish is in his spears but

٤٤. فَكَم عِندَها الأَعداءُ خَرّوا عَلى الثّرى
وَأَرؤُسُهم عَنهُم لَدَيها رَواكِعُ

45. They stab the core of the foe and ribs!
If his troop marched or an army on expedition

٤٥. وَلا عَيبَ في أَسيافِهِ غَيرَ أَنّها
قَواضِبُ أَعناقِ العِدى وَقَواطِعُ

46. Then the dawning suns are the rising stars!
None resembles him if the sun were to comprise a convoy!

٤٦. وَلا شَينَ في أَرماحِهِ غَيرَ أَنّها
تضيّفها كِبْد العِدى والأضالعُ

47. To what end do ambitions extend?!
He is the sea of munificence and the rainclouds of plenty!

٤٧. فَلَو قَد بَدا في مَوكِبٍ أَو بِجَحفَلٍ
فَشَمس الضّحى مِنها النُّجومُ الطّوالِعُ

48. From his smiling mouth gleams lightning radiance!
Open-faced he gives generously from a willing heart

٤٨. وَما مِثلُهُ قَد تَحتَوي الشّمسُ مَوكِباً
وَأَنَّى إِلى هَذا تُمدُّ المَطامِعُ

49. Many are the abundant showers that fall short of him!
He has poured from the sea of his beautiful opinion

٤٩. هُوَ البحرُ جوداً وَالسّحابُ سَخاوَةً
وَمِن ثَغرِهِ بَرقُ التبسُّم لامعُ

50. And who recalls an opinion from him - sweeter are crafts!
Allah has granted, my Lord has granted him a position

٥٠. يَجودُ طَليقَ الوجهِ عَن طيبِ خاطِر
وَكَم تَزدَري بِالبحرِ مِنهُ الدّسائِعُ

51. Well-placed through it are positions!
Upon his fortunate namesake, but the son of his namesake

٥١. وَقَد جادَ هَذا البحرُ مِن حُسن رأيِهِ
وَمَن يذْكُ رَأياً مِنهُ تَحلو الصّنائِعُ

52. My brother, Honorable Abdullah, who has no match!
Named Meer Miran, which in fact

٥٢. وَمَنَّ رعاهُ اللَّهُ رَبّي بِرُتبَةٍ
لَقَد حَسُنَت في الدّهرِ مِنها المَواقِعُ

53. Is the highest position, none contends!
Unexpected that the lion grants his cub

٥٣. عَلى شِبلِهِ المَيمونِ بَل وَاِبنِ شِبلِهِ
أَخي العزِّ عبدِ اللَّهِ مَنْ لا يُضارعُ

54. A status by which habitats ascend high!
It is the custom of lions to seek for their cubs

٥٤. وَذي مَيرميران تَسمّى وَإنّها
هِيَ الرّتبة العُليا وَلَيسَ مُدافعُ

55. To match them in might, prevalent is this norm!
I congratulate him for the joy of his eye

٥٥. وَلا غَروَ أَنّ اللَّيثَ يَمنَحُ شِبلَهُ
بِمَنزِلَةٍ تَسمو لَدَيها المَراتِعُ

56. And that his secret delights his hearing and ears!
For what he attained an honor of glory

٥٦. وَمِن عادَةِ الآسادِ تَبغي لِشبلِها
يُشابِهها قَدراً وَذا الأمرُ شائِعُ

57. The musk has spread and where is musk but rare!
With his high resolve like a decisive sword

٥٧. وَإِنّي أُهَنّيهِ بِقُرَّةِ عَينِهِ
وَأَن سرّ منهُ قَلبه والمسامعُ

58. A drawn blade cutting and dividing!
I beseech every minister like him! But where is his equal?!

٥٨. بِما نالَهُ عِزّاً مِنَ المَجدِ شبلهُ
وَقَد فاحَ مِسكُ البشر وَالمِسكُ ضائِعُ

59. And where is the likeness of the sun that contends?!
He persistently attains in ascendance positions

٥٩. بِهِمّتِهِ العليا بِعَزمٍ كَأنَّهُ
حُسامٌ إِذا قَد سُنُّ ماضٍ وقاطعُ

60. And from the most high, seats therein ascend!
O glorious minister, O Abu Nadda!

٦٠. أَكلُّ وَزيرٍ مثله أَينَ مثله
وَأَينَ مِثالُ الشّمسِ يا مَن ينازعُ

61. O you, towards whom fingers gesture on high!
I have served you, my master, with sincere service

٦١. فَلا زالَ يُولي في المَعالي مَراتِباً
وَتَسمو مِنَ العَلياءِ فيهِ المَواضِعُ

62. With creative contemplation, unmatched in wonders!
Moulded by my thought from the buds of eloquence

٦٢. فَيا أَيّها الشّهمُ الوزيرُ أَبو النّدى
وَيا مَن بِعَلياهُ تُشيرُ الأَصابِعُ

63. Moulded perfectly by reasoning lost!
Those adept in rhetoric and intelligence are shocked by it

٦٣. خَدَمتُكَ يا مَولايَ صادقَ خِدمَةٍ
بِبنتِ اِفتِكارٍ ما حَكَتها البَدائِعُ

64. And minds yield to its profound meaning!
Adorned with a necklace of praise for you, truly

٦٤. بِفكرِيَ صيغَت مِن نُضارِ بَلاغَةٍ
فَأَحكَمَها صَوغاً بِهِ العقلُ ضائِعُ

65. Composing pales regarding it in ambitions!
It has come to you, my elevated brother

٦٥. فَتَاهَت بِها أَهل البلاغَةِ وَالذّكا
وَذَلَّت لِمَعناها البليغِ المَصاقِعُ

66. To kiss a hand and threshold wherein is majesty!
So welcome it with acceptance and pleasure

٦٦. تَحَلَّت بِدرِّ المَدحِ فيكَ قِلادَة
تَكِلُّ عَنِ التثمينِ فيها المَطامِعُ

67. And in it find, my master, an intercessor for it!
Remain in God's safekeeping, in the fortress of His protection

٦٧. أَتَتكَ أَخا العليا لِتَقبيلِ راحَةٍ
وَتَقبيلِ أَعتابٍ لَها المجدُ رافِعُ

68. The Lord of the Throne, my God, defends you!
Unharmed by evils, protected from harm

٦٨. فَأَقْبِلْ عَلَيها بِالقَبولِ وبِالرِّضا
وَمِنها لَها مَولايَ عندكَ شافِعُ

69. Foes yield to you as they kneel low!
As long as the breeze blows or stars

٦٩. وَدُم في أَمانِ اللَّهِ في حِصنِ حِفظِهِ
وَعنكَ إِله العَرشِ رَبّي يُدافعُ

70. Gleam at night before fading twilights!
And musk was not used to seal a poem

٧٠. سَليماً مِنَ الأَسواءِ تُحمى مِنَ الرّدى
تَذِلُّ لَكَ الأَعداءُ وَهيَ خَواشِعُ

71. Imbued with eternity while musk is of use!

٧١. مَدى الدّهرِ ما هَبَّ النّسيمُ وما بَدَت
نُجومُ الدّياجي في الدّجى تَتَساطَعُ