
Since I sailed the seas of love in the ships of passion

ومذ خضت بحر العشق في سفن الهوى

1. Since I sailed the seas of love in the ships of passion
I was consumed with ecstasy and forgot all reason

١. وَمُذْ خُضتُ بَحرَ العِشقِ في سفُن الهَوى
فَنيتُ بِهِ وَجْداً وغبتُ عن الحِسِّ

2. No eyes saw me though I stood right before them
No hands touched me though I was within their reach

٢. فَلَم ترَني عَينٌ وإنّي تِجاهَها
ولم تدرِ بي كفٌّ لدى حالةِ اللمْسِ

3. It was as if love itself were fire and from it
My bones, my limbs, my soul, my breath were formed

٣. كَأنَّ الهَوى نارٌ وَمِنها تصوّرت
عِظامي وَأَعضائي وَروحي مَعَ النَّفسِ

4. So I was like a supernatural creature viewing
All of mankind while unseen by those around me

٤. فَكُنتُ كَجِنِيٍّ يرى الإِنسَ كلَّهم
وَلَيسَ يَراهُ ما حَواليهِ مِن إِنسِ