
I say to the branch when it shows its bending

أقول للغصن إذ أبدى تمايسه

1. I say to the branch when it shows its bending,
"Gently! The stature of the one I love is supple."

١. أَقولُ لِلغُصنِ إِذ أَبدى تَمايُسه
مَهلاً فَقامَةُ مَنْ أَهواهُ مَيساءُ

2. So if you told of May's gracefulness in her pose,
You'd tell something, yet more would escape from you.

٢. فَإِن حَكيت بِمَيس مِنه قامَتهُ
حَكيت شَيئاً وَفاتَت منك أَشياءُ