
The full moon of glories shining in Damascus

بدر المعالي في دمشق شارق

1. The full moon of glories shining in Damascus
With its horizons, its lights are flaming

١. بَدر المَعالي في دِمشق شارِقُ
بِأُفقِها أَنوارهُ شَوارقُ

2. The accomplished scholar, the eminent Imam Al Lawza'i
The brilliant, skillful, unmatched one of the age

٢. الجَهبَذُ الحَبرُ الإِمام اللّوذَعي
فَردُ الزّمانِ الألمعيّ الحاذقُ

3. The perceptive, intelligent, and sublime one
Above his peers without any doubt and surpassing

٣. البارِع الذكيُّ وَالسامي عَلى
أَقرانِهِ بِلا اِمتِرا وَالفائقُ

4. The adept, exceptional, investigator who
Through his investigation truths become apparent

٤. المُتقنُ الفَذُّ المحقِّقُ الّذي
تَبدو لَدى تَحقيقِهِ الحقائقُ

5. From his very precise investigation he clarifies
What is problematic and through it subtleties become evident

٥. من أَوضح التّدقيق مِنهُ مُشكلاً
وَبانَ مِن تَدقيقهِ الدّقائقُ

6. The uniquely knowledgeable gnostic without peer
Who cannot be competed with or outpaced

٦. العارِف الفَرد بِلا مثلٍ لَهُ
ما إِن يُجارى لا وَلا يُسابقُ

7. The judge of judges, truthful in his ruling
And indeed the judge of judges is truthful

٧. قاضي القُضاةِ صادِقٌ في حُكمهِ
وَإِنّما قاضي القُضاةِ صادِقُ

8. The most glorious sublime eminent person of dignity
Worthy of the heights, the noble cub

٨. الأَمجَدُ السّامي الذّرى بسؤددٍ
شِبل العُلى مَن لِلمَعالي لائقُ

9. The sea of glory, protector of high moral standards, enemy of wrongdoing
Star of guidance, by it the horizons shone

٩. بَحر النّدى مَولى الجدا حَرب العِدى
نَجم الهُدى ضاءَت بِه المَشارقُ

10. Whose fame is like musk thus it spread his good repute
So the universe undoubtedly perceives him as most fragrant

١٠. مَن صَيتهُ كَالمِسكِ فاحَ عرفهُ
فَالكونُ مِنهُ لا اِرتيابَ عابِقُ

11. May my Lord sustain him in comfortable living
And may his time be serene for him and exhilarating

١١. أَبقاهُ ربّي في رَغيدِ عيشَةٍ
وَوقته صافٍ لَهُ ورائقُ

12. With lengthy age and perpetual prosperity
No distress hopes, no lightning flashes

١٢. بِطولِ عمرٍ وَبِسَعدٍ دائمٍ
ما الودق يهمى ما يَلوحُ بارقُ

13. Al Fatah said with utmost literary style
The full moon of glories shining in Damascus

١٣. ما الفَتحُ قالَ مُنشداً في أدبٍ
بَدر المَعالي في دِمشق شارقُ