
The judgment is for Allah, the Most High, the Greatest

الحكم لله العلي الكبير

1. The judgment is for Allah, the Most High, the Greatest
Patience becomes you, O minister

١. الحُكمُ للَّه العليِّ الكَبيرْ
عَليكَ بِالصّبرِ أَيا ذا الوَزير

2. And be patient beautifully, for the God of all
In His hand is the matter, to Him is the destination

٢. وَاِصبِر جَميلاً فَإِلَه الوَرى
بِيَدِهِ الأمرُ إِلَيهِ المَصير

3. Patience is best for you, then acceptance
Of what Allah, the All-Knowing, the All-Aware has decreed

٣. وَالصّبرُ أَولى فيكَ ثمّ الرّضا
بِما قَضى اللَّه العليمُ الخَبير