
O most graceful in appearance

يا أظرف الناس شكلا

1. O most graceful in appearance
And they told not a thing about you

١. يا أَظرَفَ النَّاسِ شَكلاً
وَما حَكَوا منكَ كُلّا

2. O most beautiful of people in face
Rather, best of all people

٢. يا أَجمَلَ النّاس وَجهاً
بَل أَحسَنَ النّاس كُلّا

3. How much can I say to make you sympathize
Even if my tongue talked endlessly

٣. كم ذا أقول تعطّفْ
وَلَو لِسانيَ كلّا

4. And whenever I say, "Bring us together"
You say, "Never, not at all!"

٤. وكلّما قُلتُ صِلْني
تقولُ هيهات كَلّا

5. Don't you know that I
Am at the end of my patience

٥. أَما عَلِمتَ بِأَنّي
مَتنُ اِصطِبارِيَ كلّا

6. And from being so humble
I have endured love, not at all

٦. وَمِن كَثيرِ التّجَنِّي
حَملت بِالحبّ كَلّا

7. I stood looking at my eyes
While tears flowed as I walked, not at all

٧. وَقَفتُ ناظِرَ عَيني
وَالدَّمعُ بِالمَشيِ كلّا

8. And that it has become a standstill
In your path, not moving

٨. وَأَنّه صارَ وَقفاً
عَلى سَبيلكَ مَلّا

9. And my love has not bored you
You are not a woman to bore of it

٩. وَما مَلِلت غَرامي
لَستَ اِمرَأً مِنهُ مَلّا

10. Rather, you have good patience with me
And how much yearning is in you, not at all

١٠. بَل فيكَ صَبري حَميدٌ
وَكَم شَجى فيكَ مَلّا

11. And you broke promises
By separation, from whence not at all

١١. وَخانَ فيكَ عُهوداً
بِالفَتْقِ مِن حَيثُ ملّا

12. And I did not feel safe with my love
And few people said "No"

١٢. وَلَم أَمِنْ بِغَرامي
وَقَلَّ في النّاسِ مَنْ لا

13. By God, if my heart melted
From passion, it would not turn away

١٣. واللَّهِ لَو ذابَ قَلبي
عَنِ الجَوى ما تَوَلّى

14. Rather, it does not cease being passionate
From love, it does not turn away

١٤. بَل لَيسَ يَبرَحُ صَبّاً
عَنِ الهَوى ما تولّى

15. And if I perished and they said
"Leave love and turn away"

١٥. ولو فنيتُ وقالوا
دعِ الهوى وتولّى

16. Or after my death, someone said
"His lover died and turned away"

١٦. أَو قالَ مِن بَعدِ مَوتي
عَواذِلي ماتَ وَلَّى

17. Willingly by the rule of love
Your love, when you want, turns away

١٧. طَوعاً لِحُكمِ غَرامٍ
هَواكَ إذ شِئتَ وَلّى

18. Patiently by the rule of separation
Upon me through you, it turned away

١٨. صَبراً على حكمِ هَجرٍ
عليّ فيكَ تولّى

19. So observe God and guard
A heart you have become, if not

١٩. فَراقِبِ اللَّهَ وَاِحفَظْ
قَلباً لَهُ صرتَ إِلّا

20. Do not forget, O son of my love
The pact of love, if not

٢٠. لا تَنسَ يا اِبنَ وِدادي
لِلحبّ عَهداً وَإِلّا

21. And be affectionate to me with a reunion
That heals what has befallen me, if not

٢١. وَجُدْ عَليَّ بِوَصْلٍ
يَشفي الّذي أَلَّ إِلّا

22. And grant me your intimacy, closeness
To revive my existence, if not

٢٢. وَاِمنَحْ مُعنّاك قُرْباً
تُحيي وُجودي وَإِلّا

23. And in summary, I
Have become just for love, if not

٢٣. وَجُملةُ الأَمرِ أَني
قَد صرت لِلحبّ إِلّا

24. And the essence of speech is that I
Am content if you unite, and if not

٢٤. وزبدةُ القولِ إني
راضٍ وصلتَ وإنْ لا