1. Leave your worries, for life is but illusion,
And enjoy your bliss, for the stay is brief.
١. اُتركْ غمومَك فَالحَياةُ غرورُ
وَاِغنَمْ سرورَكَ فالمُقامُ يَسيرُ
2. Worry is a load, yet your joy a coin,
Take the light, for it is manageable to bear.
٢. وَالهمُّ قِنطارٌ وَصفوُك دِرهمٌ
فَخُذِ الخَفيفَ فَحَملهُ مقدورُ
3. In this lowly world, joy is rarely found,
While worries therein are abundant and plenty.
٣. وَالصّفوُ في الدّنيا الدنِيَّةِ نادرٌ
وَالهمُّ فيها وافِرٌ وَكَثيرُ
4. And if afflicted, lament not with discontent,
As one bearing burdens, if hit, remains patient.
٤. وإذا أُصِبْتَ فلا تكنْ متبرِّماً
فأخو الحِجى لو قَد أُصيبَ صَبورُ
5. He who's tested by his Lord is drawn nearer,
Neither cast out nor abandoned, nor shunned.
٥. وَمَنِ اِبتلاهُ ربُّهُ فَمقرَّبٌ
لا مُبعَدٌ مِنهُ وَلا مَهجورُ
6. For no recent event is permanence assumed,
And the mill of mortality on mankind turns.
٦. لَيسَ البَقاءُ لِحادثٍ متوهّماً
وَرَحى الفَناءِ عَلى الأَنامِ تَدورُ
7. Verily death upon newness is a sign,
And the change makes evident our newness to us.
٧. إِنَّ الفَناءَ عَلى الحُدوثِ عَلامةٌ
وعلى الحدوث يدُلُّنا التغييرُ
8. This life is no perpetual abode,
That one delighted in stays forevermore.
٨. ما هَذِهِ الدّنيا بِدارِ إِقامَةٍ
حَتّى يَدومَ لِمَن يُسَرُّ حبورُ
9. For the wise, its joy is but worry and its cheer
In the view of the wary, is but fraud.
٩. فَسُرورُها غمُّ اللّبيبِ وَحُزنُهُ
وَصَفاؤُها عِندَ الأَريبِ كُدورُ
10. Of life's bliss none tasting it feels but worries,
Save he who frets o'er every fleeting thing.
١٠. ما عَيشُها الأَهنى اللّذيذُ لِذائقٍ
إِلّا هُمومٌ شَأنُها التكديرُ
11. Naught of life's sweetness but bitter aloes,
Unpalatable to the elucidated elite.
١١. ما حُلوُها إِلّا مَرارةُ عَلقَمٍ
لَم يَستَطِبْه العارِفُ النحريرُ
12. Naught of its promises but false impossible hopes,
In which the unwise deluded glories.
١٢. ما وَعدُها إِلّا مُحالٌ باطِلٌ
يَغتَرُّ فيهِ الجاهِلُ المَغرورُ
13. Who is he that keeps his beloved ones?
Who remains, delighted in his joys?
١٣. مَنْ ذا الّذي تَبقى لَه أَحبابُهُ
وَلَهُ يَدومُ بِمَن يُسَرُّ سُرورُ
14. Who is he whose father and children remain?
All end up for mortality made.
١٤. مَنْ ذا الَّذي يَبقى أَبوهُ وَوِلدُهُ
وَالكلُّ أَضحى للفناءِ يَصيرُ
15. In your loss of the well-mannered youth lies a proof,
That neither eminent nor lowly lasts.
١٥. في فَقدِكَ الشبلَ المهذّبَ شاهدٌ
أنْ لا يدومَ معظَّمٌ وحقيرُ
16. If in this world one immortal existed,
The noble messengers would not have had graves.
١٦. لو كانَ في الدّنيا اِمرُؤٌ بمخلَّدٍ
ما كان للرسُلِ الكرامِ قُبورُ
17. You're a man whose sermons are reaped,
And for him is the foremost place and export.
١٧. أَنتَ اِمرُؤٌ مِنهُ المَواعِظُ تُجتَنى
وَلَهُ التصدُّرُ ثمَّ وَالتصديرُ
18. With what can we advise his eminence?
Have you seen a scholar or an expert advise?
١٨. فَبِأَيّ شَيءٍ وَعظُنا لِجَنابِهِ
أَرأَيتَ يوعَظُ عالمٌ وخبيرُ
19. No benefit comes from our expression,
Does it benefit him what we can express?
١٩. لا يَستَفيدُ الوَعظُ مِن تَعبيرِنا
أَيُفيدُهُ عُمّا دَرى التعبيرُ
20. And God rewards him abundantly,
For He is The Generous, and His good is plenty.
٢٠. واللَّهُ يُجزِلُ أَجرَه وَثَوابَهُ
وَهوَ الكريمُ وَخَيرُهُ مَوفورُ
21. And may He reward the afflicted with what delights his eyes,
And the least of that is Paradise and silk fabrics.
٢١. وَجَزَى المصابَ بما يقرُّ عيونَهُ
وَأَقلُّ ذَلكَ جَنَّةٌ وَحريرُ
22. And be a man who surrendered his matter to God,
For affairs to transpire as you know.
٢٢. وَكُنِ اِمرَأً للَّهِ سَلَّمَ أَمرَهُ
فَلَهُ الأُمورُ كَما عَلِمتَ تَصيرُ