
The writer Al-Qattan is the epitome of perfection

الأديب القطان صنو كمال

1. The writer Al-Qattan is the epitome of perfection
Unique in his era with his virtues and talents

١. الأَديبُ القطّانُ صِنْوُ كمالٍ
مفرَدُ الدَّهرِ في الصّفاتِ الحِسانِ

2. If perfection could be spun into threads
We would have worn it, spun by Al-Qattan's hands

٢. لَو يَكونُ الكَمالُ قطناً لكنّا
قَد لَبِسناهُ مِن يَدِ القطّانِ