
My elder has attained excellence in deeds

إن شيخي قد حاز حسن فعال

1. My elder has attained excellence in deeds
And a disposition, companion of beauty

١. إِنّ شَيخي قَد حازَ حُسنَ فعالِ
وَلَهُ مَشربٌ حَليفُ جَمالِ

2. My true saying, in every state
Our elder Al-Kazbari is the sun of perfection

٢. وَمَقالي الصّحيحُ في كلِّ حالِ
شَيخُنا الكزبريُّ شَمسُ كمالِ

3. Its light is merit, so kindle the best light
Essence of glory, unique excellence it has attained

٣. نورُها الفضلُ فَاِقتَبِسْ خَيرَ نورِ
جَوهَرُ المَجدِ حازَ فيها اِنفِراداً

4. Singular knowledge, through which merit prevailed
And its pillar was fortified when erected

٤. عَلمٌ مفردٌ به الفضلُ سادا
وَتَقوَّى عِمادُه حينَ شادا

5. A sea of knowledge, if one sought its extension
Every sea, its waves would extend into seas

٥. بَحرُ علمٍ لَو رامَ مِنهُ اِمتِدادا
كُلُّ بَحرٍ لمدّه بِبحورِ