
And his drinking of tobacco is but for wisdom

وما شربه للتبغ إلا لحكمة

1. And his drinking of tobacco is but for wisdom
Cheap is my soul to be sold and bought

١. وَما شُربُه لِلتبغِ إِلّا لِحكمَةٍ
رَخيص بِروحي أَن تباعَ وتُشتَرى

2. He saw me, I could not bear to see his face's sun
So he returned the gentlest cloud over it that I may see

٢. رَآنيَ لَم أَقدرْ أَرى شَمسَ وَجهِهِ
فَردَّ عَلَيها أَلطَفَ الغيمِ كَي أَرى