
O musk doe, musk is praiseworthy

يا ظبية المسك إن المسك محمود

1. O musk doe, musk is praiseworthy
And musk is good, and the goodness of musk is intended

١. يا ظَبيَةَ المِسكِ إِنّ المِسكَ مَحمودُ
وَالمِسكُ طيبٌ وَطيبُ المِسكِ مقصودُ

2. An exhalation to the beloved's cheek, it heals the sick
Of the sincerity of love, lost and tied down

٢. نَفحاً لِخِدنِ الهَوى يُشفى بِهِ دنِف
مِن صِحَّةِ العِشقِ مَفؤود وَمَكبودُ

3. Your love in my innermost being is confined
And I in it am extended lifelong

٣. هَواك بِالوَجدِ مَقصور عَلى خَلَدي
وَإِنّني فيهِ طولَ العُمرِ مَمدودُ

4. Passion in me is serious and infatuation has overwhelmed me
And does my passion for you have a limit, confined?

٤. الشَّوقُ بي جَدّ وَالتّهيامُ أَفرَطَ بي
وَهَل لِشَوقِيَ حَدٌّ فيك مَحدودُ

5. My eyes, the light of stars fills them by night
And their kohl in the darkness is bowing and submission

٥. عَيني بِها اللّيلَ ضَوءُ النّجم مالِئها
وَكُحلها في الدّجى سهدٌ وتَسهيدُ

6. Gently, to a youth whose abode is the desert
Wailing from his people and today he is lost

٦. رِفقاً بِصبٍّ لَهُ البَيداءُ مَسكنه
ناءٍ عَنِ الأَهلِ وَهوَ اليومَ مَفقودُ

7. So in you, the one of splendor, one infatuated has become obsessed
And has succumbed, and the horizons and deserts have narrowed around him

٧. فَفيكِ ذاتَ البها قَد هامَ ذا دَلَهٍ
وَلهانَ ضاقَت بِهِ الأَفقارُ وَالبيدُ

8. Remote distance has weakened him and exile has finished him
Oh what a pity for one whose lot is remote distance and exile

٨. البُعدُ أَضناهُ وَالتّبعيدُ أَتلَفهُ
يا وَيحَ مَنْ حَظُّه بَعدٌ وَتَبعيدُ

9. In a temple, the spirit has flowed out from it
As if now, it is nonexistent and existent

٩. في هَيكَلٍ كَالخلالِ الروحُ مِنهُ سَرَت
كَأَنَّه الآنَ مَعدومٌ وَمَوجودُ

10. Do not wonder at the flames of fire in my liver
My heart is set ablaze by the fires of love and affection

١٠. لا تَعجَبي مِن لَهيبِ النّارِ في كَبِدي
قَلبي لِنارِ الهَوى وَالحبّ أُخدودُ

11. To you, one with blossoming, flourishing, thriving beauty
Keep your aloofness from me, for aloofness causes separation

١١. إِلَيك ذاتَ جَمالٍ زاهِرٍ نَضِرٍ
عَنّي الجَفا فَالجَفا لِلشّملِ تَبديدُ

12. So bring me near, for nearness makes me happy
I have become an old man, and the nearness of an old man is praiseworthy

١٢. فَقَرّبيني فَإِنّ القُربَ يُسعِدُني
قَد صِرتُ شَيخاً وَقُرب الشّيخِ مَحمودُ

13. She said, may you be fortunate my noble brother
May you enjoy bliss, and that old man be fortunate

١٣. قالَت عَلَيكِ بِمَسعودٍ أَخي شَرَفٍ
تَحظى بِسَعدٍ وَذاكَ الشّيخ مسعودُ

14. The perfect one clothed in glory from a young age
And one whose glory among all people is witnessed

١٤. الكامِل المُكتسي بِالمَجدِ مِن صِغَرٍ
وَمَن لَهُ في الوَرى بِالمَجدِ مَشهودُ

15. Suckled at the breast of the Most High, his wet nurse hastening him
Yes, and from the nobility of nobles, born

١٥. رَضيع ثَديِ العُلى مَحضونِ سُؤددهُ
نعم وَمِن شَرَفِ العَلياءِ مَولودُ

16. The star of perfection, over the noble ones is its rise
With the horizon of glory upon it, good fortune is extended

١٦. نَجمُ الكَمالِ عَلى العَلياءِ مَطلَعُهُ
بِأُفقِ عِزٍّ عَلَيهِ السّعدُ مَمدودُ

17. The meaning of generosity, and one who has surpassed Hatim
And one from whom generosity itself feels pride

١٧. مَعنُ السّخاءِ وَمَن قَد فاقَ حاتمهُ
وَمَنْ مِنَ الجودِ فيهِ يَفخرُ الجودُ

18. Clever one, an insightful intellectual with excessive intelligence
One counted amongst Iyas in wisdom

١٨. خِدن الفِطانَةِ دَرّاكاً بِفَرطِ ذكا
مَن في عِدادِ إِياس فيهِ مَعدودُ

19. And one who when he has seen any view concerning an incident
Then the soundness of his view the hitting of the target is knotted

١٩. وَمَن إِذا قَد رَأى رَأياً بِواقِعَةٍ
فَإِنّ في رَأيِهِ التّصويب مَعقودُ

20. The champion horseman regarding view and battle
And one by whom the days of enemies are blackened

٢٠. الفارِس الفَحل في رَأيٍ وَمَعركةٍ
وَمَنْ بِهِ بيض أيّام العِدى سودُ

21. Sweet spoken and how pleasurable is his wittiness
Bitter disputant, subduing the adversary bent

٢١. عَذب الحَديثِ وَكَم تَحلو فكاهَتهُ
مرّ الجِدال بِقَهرِ الخَصمِ مَجدودُ

22. Elegant, bright of face, smiling
Not deviating from noble deeds, his neck not bending

٢٢. طَلق المُحيّا صَبيح الوَجهِ مُبتَسم
عَنِ المَكارِمِ لا يَلوي له جِيدُ

23. Praiseworthy of manners and how excellent are his traits
Each of them the ages have praised and deemed good

٢٣. حَميد خلق وَما أَسنى شَمائلهُ
وَكُلُّها الدّهرَ مَمدوحٌ وَمَحمودُ

24. He has attained a blessed unmatched lot
Due to his good fortune, because of him chains have shattered

٢٤. قَد نالَ حَظّاً سَعيداً لا نَظيرَ لَهُ
بِسَعدِهِ اِنفَلَقت مِنهُ الجَلاميدُ

25. Glory of high positions with good luck blessing them
And the glorious one, the fortunate one, lucky

٢٥. سَعد المَعالي بِمسعود الحُظوظ بها
وَذو المَعالي السّعيد الحظِّ مَسعودُ

26. Oh you noble one of fine manners
And it is proven of their goodness in him firmly established

٢٦. يا أَيُّها الشَّهمُ مَن طابَت خَلائِقُهُ
وَصَحَّ عَن طيبِها فيهِ الأَسانيدُ

27. To you, daughter of prose, sister of rhyme
Above the water of beauty, freshness (is) poured

٢٧. إِلَيك بِنت عَروض أخت قافِيَةٍ
في وَجهِها فَوقَ ماءِ الحُسنِ توريدُ

28. Flirtatious one, daughter of splendor, her beauties have all manifested
Virgin among the blossoms in which blossoms feel pride

٢٨. غَيداء بِنتُ البَها جَلَّت مَحاسِنُها
بِكرٌ مِن الغيدِ فيها تَفخَر الغيدُ

29. Upon you while she is like the lines of lightning that flashed
And the sweet spring is sought and frequented

٢٩. عَلَيك وَهيَ كَخوطِ البانِ قَد وَرَدت
وَالمَنهل العذبُ مَقصودٌ وَمَورودُ

30. Come to her smiling when she meets you
So that for her by the meeting there would be a feast

٣٠. أَقبِل عَلَيها إِذا لاقَتكَ مُبتَسِماً
حَتّى يَكونُ لَها عِندَ اللّقا عيدُ

31. And submit, live comfortably blessed with wellness
For you, may it last, her era abide

٣١. وَاِسلَم وَدُم بِالهَنا تُكْسى بِعافِيَةٍ
عَليكَ دامَ لَها ما عشت تَأبيدُ

32. Easy living without worry afflicting it
For me a decree for it with honor erected

٣٢. رَغيدَ عَيشٍ وَلا تَنغيصَ يَلحقهُ
عَليَّ قَدرٍ له بالعزِّ تشييدُ

33. Eternity, and the warbler has trilled
And the ear has savored its trilling with chirping

٣٣. مَدَى الزّمانِ وَما الورقاءُ قَد صَدَحَت
وَلَذَّ مِن صَدحِها لِلسّمعِ تَغريدُ

34. No lightning flashed and the sky has not rumbled, worrisome
No branch in the garden bowed while supple

٣٤. ما لاحَ بَرقٌ وَما ودقُ السّماء هَمى
ما ماسَ في الرّوضِ غُصن وَهوَ أُملودُ

35. No conquest he said, and the fragrance of praise perfumed it
O musk doe, musk is praiseworthy

٣٥. ما الفَتحُ قالَ وَطيب المَدحِ ضَمَّخهُ
يا ظَبية المِسك إنَّ المِسكَ محمودُ