1. His cheek bears a mole that vies musk and ambergris with its scent
Ruby of his cheek that harbors the charm of speech
١. وَخالٍ يُحاكي المِسكَ وَالنّدَّ إِذ بَدا
بِياقوتِ خَدّي مَن حَوى لطفَ تَحديثِ
2. Undoubtedly, binding has bequeathed me yearning
And my knowledge that the mole is not inherited
٢. وَلا شَكّ بِالتّعصيبِ أَورَثَني الضّنا
وَعِلميَ أَنَّ الخالَ لَيسَ بِمَوروثِ