
The sun of beauty has set under the excuses of the slender, curved night

قد غربت شمس البها والحلا

1. The sun of beauty has set under the excuses of the slender, curved night
And from its excuses it has clearly dawned

١. قَد غَربت شَمسُ البَها والحلا
تَحتَ عِذارِ الأهيَفِ الأشنَبِ

2. As if, no doubt, it had not set
I have no repentance from my love

٢. وَمن عِذارهِ لَقَد أَسفَرت
كَأَنَّها لا شَكَّ لم تغرُبِ

3. I am not one who repents of his love
Does repentance benefit the people of passion

٣. وَعَن هَواهُ لَيسَ لي تَوبَةٌ
وَعَن هَواهُ لَستُ بِالتّائِبِ

4. When the sun has risen from the west?

٤. أَتَنفع التّوبةُ أَهلَ الهَوى
وَالشَّمسُ قَد بَدَت مِنَ المَغرِبِ