1. Be gentle with yourself, then gentle again
For gentleness befits the noble
١. عَلِيَّ النّفسِ رِفقاً ثمّ رِفقاً
فَإِنّ الرّفقَ مِن شَأنِ العِظامِ
2. And if one does wrong, forgive him
For forgiveness is the mark of honor
٢. وَمَن أَخطى فَكُن عَنهُ عَفوّاً
فَإِنّ العَفوَ مِن شِيَمِ الكِرامِ
3. To swallow anger with forgiveness and kindness
Is what is praised in the best of words
٣. وَكَظمُ الغَيظِ مَع عَفوٍ وَجودٍ
هوَ المَمدوحُ في خَيرِ الكلامِ