1. I entered Sidon in our fasting month
And all were crazed from the extreme heat
١. دَخلتُ إِلى صَيدا بِشَهرِ صِيامنا
وَكُلٌّ بِهِ مِن شِدَّةِ الحرِّ مَجنونُ
2. I asked, "Who has seen the new moon?"
Would that the seers be Moses and Aaron!
٢. فَقُلتُ هِلالُ الشَّهرِ مَن ذا لَهُ رَأى
وَيا لَيتما رائيهِ موسى وَهارونُ
3. The judge informed me that the new moon
Was seen on Saturday night by Moses and Pharaoh
٣. فَأَخبَرني القاضي بِأَنّ هِلالَهُ
رَآهُ بِليلِ السّبتِ موسى وَفِرعَونُ