
And be a man among people whose inner self is seen

وكن رجلا في الناس باطنه يرى

1. And be a man among people whose inner self is seen
As his outward self, so you are considered a prophet

١. وَكُنْ رَجُلاً في النّاسِ باطِنُهُ يُرى
كَظاهِرِهِ حَتّى تُعدَّ نَبيها

2. And if you differ in that you would be a hypocrite
And indeed the brother of two faces is not honorable

٢. وَإِنْ تَختَلِفْ في ذاكَ كُنتَ مُنافِقاً
وَإِنَّ أَخا الوَجهَينِ لَيسَ وَجيها