
With what can I console him when in him is our example

بماذا أعزيه وفيه اقتداؤنا

1. With what can I console him when in him is our example
And with what can I give him solace when patience has spread over him

١. بِماذا أُعزّيه وَفيهِ اِقتِداؤُنا
وَفيمَ أُسليه وَقَد عَمَّ بالصبرِ

2. For if I recite verses to him, I would be
Like one reciting what he knows not in secret and aloud

٢. فَإِنْ أتْلُ آياتٍ عَلَيه فَإِنَّني
كَتالٍ لما يدريه في السرِّ والجهرِ