
Is not the life of asceticism a happy life

أليس عيش الزهد عيشا هني

1. Is not the life of asceticism a happy life
And that in asceticism lies honorable dwelling

١. أَلَيسَ عَيشُ الزُّهدِ عَيشاً هني
وَأَنّ في الزُّهدِ المَقامَ السّني

2. And that in asceticism lies the comfort of companionship
So by it the mind is embraced and does not bend

٢. وَأَنّ في الزُّهدِ اِرتِياحُ الحَشا
فَعَنهُ خِدنُ العَقلِ لا يَنثَني

3. And asceticism in your world is commendable
While the opposite of asceticism is not good

٣. وَالزُّهدُ في دُنياكَ مُستَحسَنٌ
وَإِن ضدَّ الزُّهدِ لَم يحسنِ

4. Whoever renounces the world, that is the young man
And the reasonable one who takes the best

٤. مَن زَهِدَ الدُّنيا فَذا الفَتى
وَالعاقِلُ الآخِذُ بِالأَحسَنِ

5. So renounce and do not replace the free man as the slave of wealth
Rather be like this proud slave of wealth

٥. فَاِزهَد وَلا تبدُ عبدَ الغِنى
بَل كُن كَهَذا الشَّهمِ عبدِ الغني

6. The perfect ascetic embraced faithfulness
Whoever lived in his world was not tempted

٦. الكَامل الزّاهِد خدن الوفا
مَن عاشَ في دُنياهُ لَم يفتنِ

7. By gathering for separation he attained annihilation
So besides God he seems annihilated

٧. في جَمعِهِ لِلفَرقِ نالَ الفَنا
فَعَن سِوى اللَّهِ تَراه فني

8. The Gnostic Sufi lord of pilgrimage
Whoever busied himself with other than gnosis

٨. العارِف الصوفيّ ربّ الحِجى
مَن بِسوى العِرفانِ لَم يَعتَني

9. The Sufi when he purified attained purity
And was named Sufi for a happy life

٩. صوفِي إِذ صافى فَنالَ الصّفا
وَسمِّيَ الصوفي بِعَيشٍ هَني

10. With good morals and clear companionship
No doubt he attained complete honor

١٠. بِحُسنِ أَخلاقٍ وَصَفوِ الحَشا
لا شَكَّ قَد نالَ الكَمالَ السَّنِي

11. The Sufism of man is his morals
Not his clothes and roughness

١١. تَصوّف الإِنسانِ أَخلاقهُ
لا لِبسُهُ لِلصوفِ وَالأخشنِ

12. The worshipping ascetic knower of piety
Whoever was enabled in the dwellings

١٢. الناسِك العابِد صنو التُّقى
مَن صارَ في التّمكينِ بِالأَمكنِ

13. The masterful glorious full moon
And besides the most high he did not settle

١٣. السّيّد الماجِد بَدر العُلى
وَمِن سِوى العَلياءِ لَم يَسكنِ

14. And the highest honor for him is dwelling
Oh goodness in the world is dwelling

١٤. وَالشّرف الأَعلى لَهُ مَسكَنٌ
يا حُسنَهُ في الدّهرِ مِن مَسكَنِ

15. The fortress of the most high remains
With pillars not weakened

١٥. لا زالَ في ذا الدَّهرِ حصنَ العُلى
مَشيدَة الأَركانِ لَم توهنِ

16. And his mention in praise then gratitude
Flows throughout the ages on tongues

١٦. وَذِكرهُ بِالحَمدِ ثمَّ الثّنا
يَجري عَلى مَدى الدَّهرِ عَلى الأَلسُنِ

17. No branch stayed green no water was lacking
The leaves did not wither on branches

١٧. ما اِخضَرَّ غُصنٌ ما بَدا مائِساً
ما قَد شَدا الوُرقُ عَلى الأَغصُنِ

18. None who purified himself said
Is not the life of asceticism a happy life

١٨. ما قالَ مَن طابَ لَهُ زُهدهُ
أَلَيسَ عَيش الزّهدِ عَيشاً هني