
I would ransom with my soul the lips of Shadin

أفدي بروحي شفتي شادن

1. I would ransom with my soul the lips of Shadin
With a smile that dazzles, and my state is confusion

١. أَفدي بِروحي شَفتَي شادِنٍ
ذي مَبسِمٍ أَلْمَى وَحالي الرّضابْ

2. They are two crescents next to a separation
They are a crescent when there is a coming together

٢. هُما هِلالانِ لَدى فِرقَةٍ
هُما هِلالٌ إِذ يَكونُ اِقتِرابْ

3. He drinks tobacco to see a delicate cloud
Between the two crescents, subtle like a mirage

٣. يَشرَبُ تِبغاً لِيَرى فاصِلاً
بَينَ الهِلالَينِ رَقيق السّحابْ