
The Master honored me with a book

وشرفني من المولى كتاب

1. The Master honored me with a book
That I loved, in His own hand it was wrote

١. وَشَرَّفني مِنَ المَولَى كتابٌ
حُبيتُ بِهِ بخطٍّ من يَديهِ

2. Its letters all were undotted throughout
To hint that with Him I’m forgot

٢. وَأَحرُفُهُ جَميعاً مُهمَلاتٌ
أَشارَت لي بِإِهمالي لَدَيهِ

3. Yet for this I'll not blame my Master dear
No grievance or grudge will I ever bear

٣. وَلَستُ أَلومُ مَولانا عَلى ذا
وَلَستُ مُوجِّهاً عَتباً عَلَيهِ

4. For amidst all humanity I'm oft forgot
And like is attracted to its like, is it not

٤. فَإِنّي مُهمِلٌ بَينَ البَرايا
وَشِبْهُ الشيءِ مُنجذبٌ إِلَيهِ