1. The breath of the falcon smuggles the ducks,
With it my brother oppresses the valleys,
١. نَفَسُ العقابِ يُهرِّب البازاتِ
وَبِها أُخيَّ يُضيِّق الفَلواتِ
2. And the lion with his breath like seven lions,
He flees in fear seeking safety.
٢. وَاللّيثُ مِن أَنفاسِهِ سَبعُ سِوا
هُ يَفِرُّ خَوفاً طالِباً لِنَجاةِ
3. This minister Abu Al-Awali and loftiness,
And the white raids and attacks.
٣. هَذا الوَزيرُ أَبو العَوالي وَالعُلى
وَالمُرهَفات البيض وَالغاراتِ
4. The sun of ministry and it is the light of its beauty,
Does not set with the rest of the times.
٤. شَمسُ الوِزارةِ وَهوَ ضَوءُ جَمالِها
لَيسَت تَغيبُ بِسائِرِ الأوقاتِ
5. The pole of glories and it is the full moon of its happiness,
A full moon without clouds or halos.
٥. قُطبُ المَعالي وَهوَ بَدرُ سُعودها
بادٍ بِلا غَيمٍ ولا هالاتِ
6. The noble master and whoever has become
The honor of mastery the pride of lords.
٦. السّيّدُ الشّهمُ الشّريف وَمَن غَدا
عِزّ السّيادةِ مَفخر الساداتِ
7. The magnificent Abdullah who was built for him
Above the galaxy the highest glories.
٧. الفَخمُ عَبد اللَّهِ مَن بُنِيَت لَهُ
فَوقَ المَجَرَّةِ أَرفعُ الأبياتِ
8. The most glorious the lofty, the sublime in his glory,
Who for glory rises above ambition.
٨. الأَمجَدُ السّامي السَماك بِمَجدهِ
مَنْ لِلسّهى يَسمو على الهاماتِ
9. The sea of mercy, favors and dew
Has been turbulent with benevolence and compassions.
٩. بَحر المَراحِمِ وَالمَكارِمِ والنّدى
قَد ماجَ بِالإِحسانِ وَالرَحَماتِ
10. In the forbearance of the gentle, and he is the warrior of turmoil,
Firm in determination, depriving worries.
١٠. في حِلمِ أَحنفَ وَهوَ عَنتَرةُ الوَغى
ماضي العَزائِمِ آصف الهِمّاتِ
11. In good opinion, in intelligence, insight,
In good morals and good qualities.
١١. في حُسنِ رَأيٍ في ذَكاءِ فطانة
في حُسنِ أَخلاقٍ وحسن صِفاتِ
12. The terrible lion, and the lion who
Took awe, the most impregnable of jungles.
١٢. الضّيغم الرّئبال وَالأَسد الّذي
أَخَذَ المَهابَةَ أَحصن الغاباتِ
13. The sturdy knight, and the hero who
Destroys armies with his devastating raids.
١٣. الفارِسُ الصّنديدُ وَالبطلُ الّذي
يُردي الجُيوشَ بِشنِّه الغاراتِ
14. The pride of lions and the son of its aid, if
When roaring, they sought aid.
١٤. عِزُّ الضّياغِم وَابن نَجدَتِها إذا
عِندَ الصّراخِ تَطلّبوا النجداتِ
15. In his fame, the breaking of backs and disempowerement
Of the powerful and of the authorities.
١٥. في صيتِهِ قَصمُ الظّهورِ وَحلّها
مِن ذي الظُّهورِ وَمِن ذَوي السّطواتِ
16. And the fame in intimidation may rise above
An army of Thursday, skilled in assaults.
١٦. وَالصّيت في الإِرهابِ قَد يَعلو عَلى
جَيشٍ خَميسٍ محسنِ الكَرَّاتِ
17. And the lion in thickets, his reputation frightens
Those who do not witness the pounces.
١٧. وَاللَّيثُ في الآجامِ يُرهَبُ صيتُهُ
مَن لَيسَ مِنهُ يشاهد الوثباتِ
18. And the opinion what the swords do in the fray
Is what the opinion does by subduing the enemies.
١٨. وَالرَّأيُ ما الأَسيافُ تَفعلُ في الوَغى
ما الرَّأي يَفعلهُ بِقهرِ عداةِ
Have you not heard what happened in the Shouf from
١٩. أَفَلا سَمِعت بِما جَرى في الشّوف من
هَذا الوَزيرِ الصائِبِ النّظَراتِ
20. This minister of accurate insights?
When his disposition changed against
٢٠. لَمّا تَغَيَّرَ منهُ خاطرهُ عَلى
حُكّامِه وَرماهُ بِالرجفاتِ
21. Its rulers and he shook them with tremors.
Since then, he made Bashir governor on
٢١. مِن ذاكَ قَد وَلّى بَشيراهُ عَلى
طِرف الهيامِ لِنَحوِ أَرض فلاةِ
22. The edge of abyss towards the land of wilderness.
Going they wanted safety without resistance
٢٢. ذَهبا يُريدانِ النّجاةَ بِلا اِمتِرا
مِن غَيرِ حَربٍ لا ولا ضَرباتِ
23. Without war or blows.
Since they laid down their arms fleeing
٢٣. مُذ وَلَّيا حَكيا الأياديَ من سبا
بِتَفرُّقٍ في الفَقرِ ثمَّ شَتاتِ
24. In separation then dispersal.
And he took over the liberated Shouf from them
٢٤. وَتَسلَّم الشّوفَ المُحرّر مِنهما
وَغَدَا لَدَيهِ بِقَبضَةِ الرّاحاتِ
25. And it came under his handful of comfort.
And its people obeyed him without war
٢٥. وَأَطاعَهُ مِن غَيرِ حَربٍ أَهله
طَوعاً وَأَدَّوْا سائِرَ الطاعاتِ
26. Willingly and performed all obedience.
No minister before him attained this
٢٦. ما نالَ هَذا مِن وَزيرٍ قَبله
مِمَّن تَقَدَّمَ مِن ذَوي السّطواتِ
27. Of those who preceded of the authorities.
None told about him of the past ones about
٢٧. لَم يَحكِه أَحدٌ مِنَ الماضينَ عن
نَقلِ الثّقاتِ وَنَقلِ غَيرِ ثِقاتِ
28. Transferring confidences nor non-confidences.
And he appointed whom he wanted and favored
٢٨. وَعَليه وَلّى مَن أَرادَ وَشاءَهُ
بِالعَدلِ يَحكمُ تارِكُ الميلاتِ
29. With justice, ruling without inclinations.
And he sent him an army like lions
٢٩. وَإِلَيهِ أَرسَلَ عَسكَراً مِثلَ الأُسو
دِ فَحَلَّ فيهِ ناشِر الراياتِ
30. So it camped therein spreading banners.
And he read over it the Surat Al-Fatah
٣٠. وَتَلا عَلَيها سورَةَ الفَتحِ المُبي
نِ لِنَصرِها مِن مُحكَمِ الآياتِ
31. Clarifying his victory from the solid verses.
The lions remain in a self for him
٣١. لا زالَتِ الآسادُ مِن نَفس لهُ
فيها يُضيِّقُ واسِعَ الفَلَواتِ
32. Therein he oppresses the vast valleys.
I congratulate him on this clarified victory
٣٢. إِنّي أُهَنِّئهُ بِذا الفَتحِ المُبي
نِ فَإِنَّهُ مِن أَحسَنِ الحسناتِ
33. For it is of the best good deeds.
٣٣. لا زالَ يَظفَرُ بِالمُرادِ كَما يَشا
وَلَهُ تَقود دَلائلُ الخيراتِ
34. He keeps succeeding as he wishes
And clues of goodness lead him.
٣٤. بَل لا يَزالُ مُقلَّداً مِن رَبِّهِ
دَوماً بِسَيفِ النّصرِ وَالهيباتِ
35. But he remains forever granted victory by his Lord
With the sword of victory and awe.
٣٥. وَعَليهِ مَنَّ اللَّهُ رَبّي بِالرّضا
وَالقربِ مِنهُ وَرفعةِ الدرَجاتِ
36. And upon him my Lord has bestowed pleasure
And closeness to Him and loftiness of ranks.
٣٦. وَحَباهُ مَولاهُ بِأَرغَدِ عيشَةٍ
وَبِصحّةٍ تَبقى وَطول حياةِ
37. And His Master has granted him the most lavish living
And health that remains and length of life.
٣٧. وَحَماهُ مَولاهُ مِنَ الأَهوالِ في الد
دارينَ وَالعاهاتِ وَالآفاتِ
38. And his Master has protected him from terrors in the
Two abodes and disabilities and afflictions.
٣٨. وَوَقاهُ دَوماً مِن جَميعِ جِهاتِهِ
وَأَدامَهُ في أَحسَنِ الحالاتِ
39. And has protected him always from all his sides
And kept him in the best conditions.
٣٩. وَأَعانَهُ وَعليهِ أَقبلَ دائِماً
وَرَعاهُ في الحَرَكاتِ وَالسكَناتِ
40. And has supported him and turned to him always
And cared for him in motions and stillness.
٤٠. ما الرّوضُ يَزهو ما الغصونُ تَمايَسَت
ما الطّيرُ أَبدى أَحسَن النّغماتِ
41. The meadow never bloomed, the branches never entwined
The birds never sang the most beautiful melodies.
٤١. ما الفَتحُ يَتلو الحمدَ خاتم نَظمهِ
وَيُديمُ قَصدَ الشّكرِ للسَّجداتِ