
The heart of meaning is refined through separation

فؤاد المعنى بالتباعد متلف

1. The heart of meaning is refined through separation
So who will defend me from the injustice of the inflamer?

١. فُؤادُ المُعنّى بِالتّباعدِ مُتلَفُ
فمَنْ ليَ من جَورِ المهفهفِ ينصِفُ

2. I commanded my heart, when love harmed it,
To be patient, for patience will undoubtedly bring relief

٢. أَمرتُ فُؤادي إِذ أَضرَّ بِهِ الهَوى
بِصَبرٍ لِأنَّ الصَّبرَ لا شَكَّ يسعفُ

3. It feigned patience, yet it is frail and lacking
The futility of feigned patience is unavailing

٣. تَكَلَّف صَبراً وهو فانٍ وعادمٌ
أغبَّ فناءِ الصبرِ يُجدي التكلُّفُ

4. And hopes had promised it union with the beloved
Yet hopes in their promises are oft deficient

٤. وَإِنَّ الأماني واعَدَته بوَصْلِهِ
وَإِنَّ الأماني في المَواعيدِ تُخلِفُ

5. God willed my infatuation to melt away
And that my eyes should weep in separation

٥. أَبى اللَّهُ إِلّا أَن تَذوبَ حُشاشَتي
وَأَنَّ عُيوني لِلتفرُّقِ تذرُفُ

6. I sighed in yearning for the absence of the beloved
Yet sighing brings no remedy in passion

٦. تَأوَّهْتُ مِن هَجرِ الحَبيبِ تَلهُّفاً
وَلَم يَكُ يُجدي في الغَرامِ التلَهُّفُ

7. Shall I blame his love when desire provokes it?
And my will in it remains ever weak

٧. أَأَسلو هَواهُ وَالغَرامُ يثيرُهُ
وَوَجدي بِهِ ما زالَ فيهِ يضعِّفُ

8. My love for him was never disloyal love
In his love, I have modesty and virtue

٨. وَحُبّي لَهُ لَم يبدُ حبّ خِيانةٍ
ولي في هَواه عِفّةٌ وتعفُّفُ

9. A gazelle from the Turks, ever aloof
One who loves not, nor befriends

٩. غَزالٌ مِنَ الأَتراكِ ما زالَ نافِراً
وغيرُ نِفارٍ لا يُحبُّ ويُؤلَفُ

10. He has a beautiful, radiant cheek, yet he veils it
While the sun beneath the veil is eclipsed

١٠. لَهُ وَجنةٌ حَسناءُ وهوَ مبَرقَعٌ
وَلَلشّمسُ مِن تَحتِ البَراقعِ تُكسَفُ

11. He has a seducing glance, kohl-lined eyes
That have enchanted many a mind and heart

١١. له مُقلَةٌ وسْناءُ بالسّحر كُحلُها
فكم خَطفت عَقلاً ولم يكُ يُخطَفُ

12. I blame his sweet talk for my drunkenness
His moist, ruby lips like wine and nectar

١٢. أُلامُ عَلى سُكري بِعَذبِ كَلامهِ
وفي ثَغرِهِ الحالي سُلافٌ وَقَرقَفُ

13. I clung to him as a child, became his friend
For a lover's friend is honoured through closeness

١٣. عَلِقتُ به طِفلاً وصِرتُ خليلَهُ
لِأنَّ خَليلَ الحبِّ بِالقربِ يُتحَفُ

14. He has flung me into a catapult of hardship
To a fire of exile he hurls and casts off

١٤. وَقَد حَطَّني في مِنجَنيقٍ مِنَ النوى
لِنارٍ مِنَ التّغريبِ يَرمي ويحذفُ

15. I swoon for him, crazed, not knowing prudence
And he who tastes love's bitterness surely knows

١٥. أَهيمُ به وَلهانَ لا أَعرفُ الكَرى
ومن ذاق مُرَّ الحبّ لا شكّ يَعرِفُ

16. I grow jealous when the breeze blows on his cheek
Plucking the rose that on his cheek grows

١٦. أَغارُ إِذا مَرَّ النّسيمُ بِخَدِّهِ
عَلى وَردِهِ مِن أَنّهُ النّفحَ يَقطفُ

17. Would that I were the zephyr breeze from the morning
For the morning breeze is not so bold in plucking

١٧. وَيا لَيتَني كُنتُ النَّسيمَ مِنَ الصَّبا
وَما لِلصّبا في مِثلِ قَطفي تلطُّفُ

18. He has gained all beauty, and his beauty is perfect
Never once was his beauty deemed excessive

١٨. وَقَد حازَ كُلَّ الحُسنِ وَالحُسنُ كامِلٌ
وَلَم يَكُ فيهِ الحسنُ يَوماً ينصَّفُ

19. All beauty he contains, but his beauties
Surpass all others, for he is Joseph

١٩. وَكُلُّ جَميلٍ ما حَوى الحُسنَ كلّهَ
وَلَكِنَّ كُلَّ الحسنِ يَحويه يوسُفُ

20. Brother of excellence and nobility, son of charms
Father of glory, in whom glories abound

٢٠. أَخو الفَضلِ وَالعَلياءِ نَجلُ مَحاسنٍ
أَبو المَجدِ مَنْ فيهِ الأماجِدُ تَشرُفُ

21. Generous in qualities, pillar of honour and grandeur
A branch of high virtues, where by praise he thrives

٢١. كَريمُ المَزايا دَوحَةُ العزِّ وَالعُلا
وَغُصنُ المَعالي حَيثُ بِالحَمدِ يعطفُ

22. Noble in disposition and nature, which fold
Around the generosity of his manners and airs

٢٢. شَريفُ السّجايا وَالطّباعِ الَّتي اِنطَوَت
عَلى كَرَمِ الأَخلاقِ مِن حَيث تظرفُ

23. Eloquent, adorning hearing with his utterances
Happy the ears that by such are delighted

٢٣. بَليغٌ يَزينُ السّمعَ في دُرِّ لَفظِهِ
ويا سَعدَ أَسماعٍ بِذاك تشنّفُ

24. I have praised you, son of the most generous, with an ode
I was concise, though prolixity would be unjustified

٢٤. خَدَمتكَ يا اِبنَ الأَكرَمينَ بِمدحَةٍ
فَأَوجَزتُ وَالإِطنابُ فيهِ تَعسُّفُ

25. Prolixity, O son of charms, would not avail,
Save undue length which would be cumbersome

٢٥. وَلَم يَكُنِ الإِطنابُ يا اِبنَ مَحاسِنٍ
يُفيدُ سِوى التّطويلِ وَالطول يُؤنَفُ

26. Who can enumerate all your charms
And compose a panegyric which captivates and overjoys?

٢٦. وَمَن ذا الَّذي يُحصي المَحاسِنَ كُلَّها
وَيَأتي بِها مَدحاً يَرِقّ وَيطرفُ

27. It is no wonder you are son of charms
You by them, beyond all mankind, are described

٢٧. وَلَيسَ عَجيباً أَنَّكَ اِبنُ مَحاسِنٍ
وَأَنتَ بِها دونَ البَريَّةِ توصَفُ

28. You are attributed to them and they are honoured by you
O pride of them, in you they are honoured and prized

٢٨. نُسِبتَ إِلَيها وَهيَ فيكَ تَشرَّفت
ويا فخرَها من حيثُ فيك تُشرَّفُ

29. You are not different from them, O son of generosity
Save that through you they are known and recognized

٢٩. وَلَستَ لَها يا اِبنَ الكرامِ مُغايراً
وَلَم تَكُ إِلّا فيكَ تُدرى وتُعرَفُ

30. So take from the virgins a necklace of unfading verse
Adorned in its strands with the jewels of your praise

٣٠. فَهاكَ مِنَ الأَبكارِ غَيداءَ غادةٍ
بِعقدِ لآلي المَدحِ فيكَ تزخرفُ

31. Modesty has deferred it from you, as if
From whence it came, it returned in reserve

٣١. وَأَخَّرها مِنكَ الحَياءُ كَما غَدا
يُؤخِّرُها مِن حَيثُ ماسَت تقصُّفُ

32. So accept it with kindly grace, as befits you,
For from you, noble brother, kindness is sweet.

٣٢. فَأَقْبِلْ عَلَيها بِالقَبولِ تَلَطُّفاً
وَمِنكَ أَخا الإِحسانِ يَحلو التلطُّفُ

33. Remain in God's safety, for as long as a star shines
And the leaves on branches flutter and wave.

٣٣. وَدُمْ في أَمانِ اللَّهِ ما لاح كَوكَبٌ
وَما قامَتِ الوَرقاء في الغُصنِ تَهتفُ

34. Where the son of Fathallah with his poetry
Has composed odes describing your qualities and traits.

٣٤. وَحَيثُ اِبنُ فَتحِ اللَّه أَضحى بِشِعرِهِ
عَلى مَدحِهِ أَوصافَ ذاتِكَ يعكفُ