1. Rejoice, O intimate friend of the Most High! You remain ever noble.
Good fortune has attended you, making you joyous and blissful.
١. أَبشِرْ خَليلَ العُلى لا زِلتَ ذا شَرَفٍ
فَالسّعدُ وافاكَ أَسناهُ وَأَسعدهُ
2. Rejoice at the birth of a newborn you have come to love,
Born at the peak of fortune and felicity.
٢. أَبشِر بِمَولدِ مَولودٍ حبيتَ بهِ
في ذَروَةِ السّعدِ وَالإِسعادِ مَولدهُ
3. Glory is his wet nurse, honor his guardian,
Good fortune his servant, auspiciousness his supporter.
٣. المَجدُ مُرضِعهُ وَالعزُّ حاضنهُ
وَالسّعدُ خادِمهُ وَاليمنُ يَعضدهُ
4. His status ascends to the highest zenith in nobility,
Above the heavens, and he surpasses the ages in glory.
٤. تَعلو مَراتِبهُ أَوج العُلى شَرفاً
فَوقَ السّماكِ وَيَسمو الدَّهرَ سُؤددهُ
5. He has come to you as the delight of an eye, gladdening you,
And mankind sees beauty in you since his advent.
٥. أَتاكَ قُرّة عَينٍ قَد سررتَ بِها
وَالبشرُ زَيّن منكَ الطّرفَ أثمدهُ
6. What an immense blessing he is in this life!
God has bestowed him upon you as a gift.
٦. ويا له نِعمة في الدَّهرِ قَد عَظمَت
وَمَنَّ فيها عَلَيك اللَّه موجدهُ
7. Thanks to Him who has been so benevolent and generous with him.
And praise be to God, our Master, whom we praise,
٧. شُكراً لِمَن فيهِ قَد أَولى وَجادَ بِهِ
وَالحَمدُ للَّه مَولانا وَنحمدهُ
8. May he live happily and prosperously for lifetimes,
With a life of ease and tranquility, then wellness,
٨. يَحيا سَعيداً يَعيشُ الدّهرَ في نِعمٍ
وَعَيشهُ الدّهرَ أَهنى العيشِ أَرغدُهُ
9. Long life without end or decay.
He occupies the abode of nobility and pride, with honor,
٩. بِراحَةٍ وَصَفاءٍ ثمَّ عافيةٍ
بِطولِ عُمرٍ وَلا يَفنى تجدّدهُ
10. And might builds it, and the exalted establish it.
You see him as a grandfather, and the grandfather of his ancestor,
١٠. يَحلّ بيتَ العُلى وَالفخرِ مِن شَرفٍ
وَالعزّ يَبنيهِ وَالعليا تشيّدهُ
11. Riding the edge of greatness, for fortune guides him.
So congratulate yourself, O cheek of glory, rejoice!
١١. تَراه جدّاً وَجدّ الجدّ مُمتطياً
طِرف المَعالي وَأَنّ السّعد مقودهُ
12. For the God of the Throne is his Master.
This, O valiant one, is cause to celebrate! Announce it!
١٢. فَاِهنَأ بِهِ يا خَدين المَجدِ ذا فرحٍ
هَنّاكَ فيهِ إِلهُ العَرشِ سيِّدهُ
13. A full moon has risen in Thurayya, the land of auspiciousness, the place of his birth.
١٣. فَذاكَ يا شَهم أَبشِر أرخوه بِهِ
بَدر بَدا في ثُريّا اليمنِ مَولدهُ