1. Her face's luster flashed, and travelled through
The stream of beauty, till it disappeared
١. برقت مَحاسِنُ وَجهِها وَسَرى بِهِ
ماءَ المَحاسِنِ فَاِختَفَت بِخبائِها
2. Within its hiding-place. I came to woo
A glimpse of it, for longing eyes and bleared
٢. فَأَتيتها وَالعينُ قَد ظَمِئَت إِلى
مَرأَى مُحيّاها وَنورِ بَهائِها
3. With thirst. But when I asked my eyes their meed,
'Seek not the Spring in every flower that blows,
٣. وَطَلبت سُقيا العَينِ قالَت فَاِتَّئِدْ
ما كُلّ بارِقَةٍ تَجودُ بِمائِها