
Her face's luster flashed, and travelled through

برقت محاسن وجهها وسرى به

1. Her face's luster flashed, and travelled through
The stream of beauty, till it disappeared

١. برقت مَحاسِنُ وَجهِها وَسَرى بِهِ
ماءَ المَحاسِنِ فَاِختَفَت بِخبائِها

2. Within its hiding-place. I came to woo
A glimpse of it, for longing eyes and bleared

٢. فَأَتيتها وَالعينُ قَد ظَمِئَت إِلى
مَرأَى مُحيّاها وَنورِ بَهائِها

3. With thirst. But when I asked my eyes their meed,
'Seek not the Spring in every flower that blows,

٣. وَطَلبت سُقيا العَينِ قالَت فَاِتَّئِدْ
ما كُلّ بارِقَةٍ تَجودُ بِمائِها