
A beloved who has not tasted the bitterness of separation,

مقلة لم تذق من الهجر غمضا

1. A beloved who has not tasted the bitterness of separation,
While my heart is afflicted with illness and pain.

١. مُقلةٌ لَم تَذُقْ مِنَ الهَجر غمضا
وفؤادٌ قد عضّه السُقمُ عَضّا

2. How can my heart heal from such wounds,
When the glances of her eyes are swords that pierce deeply?

٢. كَيفَ يَشفى مِنَ الجروحِ فُؤادي
وسِهامُ اللِّحاظِ سَيفٌ وَأَمضى

3. I'm amazed at her eyelids, though frail,
How can they gain strength when she is sick?

٣. عَجَبي مِن جُفونِها وَهيَ كَسْرى
كَيفَ تَقوى بِنَصرِها وَهيَ مَرضى

4. How can I forget passion when my existence depends on it?
So I will cast off blame from you and reject it completely.

٤. كَيفَ أَسلو الهوَى وَمِنهُ وُجودي
فَأَطرَحُ العَذلَ عَنكَ وَأَرفضهُ رَفضا

5. A lover who wanted to shred my heart,
I said leave it be, and replace it with something else.

٥. وَحَبيبٌ أَرادَ تَقطيعَ قَلبي
قُلتُ دَعْهُ وَاِستَبدِلَنْ عَنهُ عَرضا

6. But he refused to sell it, then called out,
"My intention is to take it from you piece by piece!"

٦. فَأَبى أَن يَبيعَه ثُمَّ نادى
أَنا مَقصودي قرضَه مِنكَ قَرضا

7. Since he appeared beautiful like the rising sun, he left
Some lovers fighting with each other.

٧. مُذْ تَبَدّى كَالشَّمسِ في الحُسنِ خلّى
بَعضَ أَهلِ الهَوى يُقاتِلُ بَعضا

8. Among them are those who became wounded, and those
Who died, while some were left satisfied.

٨. مِنهُمو مَن غَدا جَريحاً وَمِنهم
غَيرَ حيٍّ وَالبَعضُ قَد رُضَّ رضّا

9. He abandoned me without any fault, but
He is the ruler, whatever he desires, he executes.

٩. قَد جَفاني مِن غَيرِ ذَنْبٍ وَلَكِن
هوَ سُلطانٌ كُلَّما شاءَ أَمضى

10. My heart yearns for the days of union,
Oh shepherd of God, may such days return!

١٠. لَهْفَ قَلبي عَلى زَمانِ وِصالٍ
يا رَعاهُ الإِلهُ وَقتاً تقضّى

11. I would not be satisfied to be the heavens,
In which he is, and today he left me to become the earth.

١١. كُنتُ لا أَرضى أَن أَكونَ سَماءً
فيهِ وَاليوم خِلتَني صِرْت أَرضا

12. He showed me my prestige has diminished,
When time turned away from me and abandoned me.

١٢. وَأُراني اِنحَطَطت عَن رَفْعِ قَدري
حينَ وَلّى الزَّمانُ عَنِّي وَأَغضى

13. Except I was ennobled when he praised me,
And his praise of me became an obligation.

١٣. غَيرَ أَن شَرُفت حينَ اِمتِداحي
مِن مَديحي لِنفلِه صارَ فَرضا

14. The mighty lion of time, the glory of grandeur,
The shining moon of Syria in length and width.

١٤. لَوذَعِيُّ الزّمانِ عِزُّ المَعالي
أَلمَعِيُّ الشآمِ طولاً وَعَرضا

15. The worshipper of the Merciful, the Imam who
Took knowledge in his grasp completely.

١٥. عابِدُ الرَّحمنِ الإمامُ الَّذي قَد
قَبَضت كَفُّه المَعارفَ قَبضا

16. A pillar of honour, with him the walls of glory,
Have been strengthened, even if there is no support.

١٦. رُكنُ عزٍّ بِهِ جدارُ المَعالي
قَد تَقوّى لَو لَم يَكُن لاِنفَضّا

17. The generous, the foremost, none can compete with him,
The generosity of steeds race him in running.

١٧. الجَوادُ السَّبوقُ مَن لا تجاري
ه كِرامُ الجيادِ عَدْواً وَرَكضا

18. The one whose capital was good deeds,
So his profits appeared when it prospered.

١٨. مَن غَدا رَأسُ مالِهِ حُسن فِعلٍ
فَبَدا مِنهُ رِبحُه حين نضّا

19. The son of my master and chief Al-Kazbari
Sublime, pure in origin and honour.

١٩. نَجلُ شَيخي وَسيّدي الكزبريّ ال
مُتسامي النّقيّ أَصلاً وعرضا

20. He gained wisdom, ambition and manners
Created from the essence of grace completely.

٢٠. حازَ حِلماً وَهِمّةً وَطِباعاً
خُلِقَت مِن أَصلِ اللّطافَة مَحضا

21. Does he have any equal capable
Of undoing what his hands have tied firmly?

٢١. هَل لَهُ مِن مُناظرٍ مُستَطيعٍ
لِلّذي أَبرَمته كَفَّاهُ نَقضا

22. Far be it from Allah! We do not know, but
My Lord's bounty is for whom He wills and is pleased with.

٢٢. حاشَ للَّهِ ما عَلِمنا وَلَكِن
فَضلُ رَبّي لِمن يَشاءُ ويرضَى

23. As long as the verses praising him are recited,
Eloquent in composition and ample in presentation,

٢٣. دامَ تُتلى آياتُ مَدحي عَلَيهِ
حسَناً نظمُها وتُعرَض عرضا

24. And as long as he continues to accept virtue upon them,
Without tiring of bestowing gifts or withholding.

٢٤. وَعَلَيها لا زالَ يُقبلُ فَضلاً
غَيرَ طاوٍ مِن منِّه الكَشحَ غضّا

25. His praise did not rise to the heights of glory,
Except through the son of Fathallah, the All-Powerful.

٢٥. ما رَقى مَدحهُ نَحوَ المَعالي
بِاِبنِ فَتحِ اللَّهِ المُهيمِنِ أَفضى

26. And through his praise they appeared cured,
A beloved who had not tasted the bitterness of separation.

٢٦. وَتَبدَّت بِمَدحِهِ تَتَداوى
مُقلةٌ لَم تذق مِنَ الهَجرِ غَمضا