
He played the flute and stole the heart

تغنى على المزمار فاستلب الحجى

1. He played the flute and stole the heart
The spirits soared when he began to cry

١. تَغَنَّى عَلى المِزمارِ فَاِستَلَبَ الحِجى
وَطارَت بِهِ الأَرواحُ إِذ قامَ يَصرخُ

2. His life returned to the flute piece by piece
Did it not hold the breath he used to blow?

٢. وَعادَت إِلى المِزمارِ قطعاً حَياتُهُ
أَما كانَ فيهِ الروح لا شَكّ ينفخُ