
The heavy one said, "I see you despise seeing me,

قال الثقيل أراك تكره رؤيتي

1. The heavy one said, "I see you despise seeing me,
And you clearly avoid me and keep your distance.

١. قالَ الثّقيلُ أَراكَ تَكرَهُ رُؤيَتي
وَيَلوحُ مِنك تَباعدٌ وَتَجنّبُ

2. So I answered him, "You're just a beetle,
Neither to be smelled nor played with."

٢. فَأَجَبتُهُ ما أَنتَ إِلّا خُنفسا
لَيسَت تَشمّ وَلَيس فيها يُلعَبُ