1. Journey to one of peace and bid the greetings,
Roam the Arab tents they pitched as dwellings,
١. جُزْ عَلى ذي سَلَمٍ وَاِقْرِ السّلاما
تُلفِ عُرْباً نَصَبوا فيها الخِياما
2. And scent the pleasant aroma of Ghawl,
From a breeze that stirred the acacia blooms.
٢. وَاِنتَشقْ عَرفَ غوالٍ وشذَى
مِن نَسيمٍ صافَحت فيها الخُزامى
3. March with the Hijazi caravan that raced,
Resolute though sleep it did evade,
٣. وَاِمشِ في الرَّكبِ الحجازيِّ الَّذي
جَدَّ في السَّيرِ وَقَد عادَى المَناما
4. Then make for Taibah and there dismount,
It will show you from its folds a smile.
٤. ثمَّ يَمِّمْ طيبةً وَاِنزِل بِها
لَكَ تُبدي مِن ثَناياها اِبتِساما
5. And with dignity show humility,
As you meet it with esteem and modesty.
٥. وَتَواضَع بِوَقارٍ مُبدِياً
حينَ تَلقاها اِحتِراماً وَاِحتِشاما
6. Then visit the best Messenger settled there,
And thereby ennobled wherever he stayed.
٦. ثمَّ زُرْ خَيرَ رَسولٍ حلَّها
وَبِهِ قَد شُرِّفت حيثُ أَقاما
7. Then convey to him from one melted with yearning,
Prayers and peace incessantly turning.
٧. ثمَّ بَلِّغه مِنَ الصبِّ الَّذي
ذابَ بِالشَّوقِ صَلاةً وَسَلاما