1. I stayed up all night in love
Not tasting any sleep in it
١. سَهِرتُ في الحبِّ ليلاً
ما ذُقتُ فيه سُباتا
2. Morning breathed in it
Spreading spirit and essence
٢. تَنَفّسَ الصّبحُ فيهِ
فسَرَّ روحاً وذاتا
3. And it disappeared from me as if
It had not paid attention to me
٣. وَغابَ عَنّي كَأنّي
لَم يُبدِ نَحوي اِلتِفاتا
4. So I said to the night, tell me
Where did your morning spend the night?
٤. فَقُلتُ لِلّيلِ قُلْ لي
بِأيِّنْ صُبحكَ باتا
5. It said no morning remains
For my morning has passed
٥. فَقالَ لَم يَبقَ صبحٌ
فَإنّ صُبحِيَ فاتا
6. And the morning was ill
When it breathed, it died
٦. وَالصّبحُ كانَ عَليلاً
لَمّا تَنَفَّس ماتا