
Be patient, for patience is most beautiful in hardship

تصبر فإن الصبر أجمل بالحر

1. Be patient, for patience is most beautiful in hardship
And most befitting for a person, publicly and privately

١. تَصَبَّرْ فَإِنّ الصّبرَ أَجملُ بالحرِّ
وَأَليقُ بِالإِنسانِ في السرِّ وَالجهرِ

2. And for a young man, his patience at calamities suffices him
For one's endurance leads more to reward

٢. وَحَسبُ الفتى عِندَ المَصائِبِ صَبرهُ
فَإِنّ اِصطِبارَ المَرءِ أَدعى إِلى الأجرِ

3. And there was never a garment that adorns a person
More beautifully and expensively than patience

٣. وَلَم يَكُ فيما يَرتَدي المَرء حلَّةً
تُجَمِّلهُ أَسنى وَأَغلى مِنَ الصّبرِ

4. And surrender to the judgment of fate, for it surely
Flows according to what the Lord of all has willed

٤. وَسَلِّمْ إِلى حُكمِ القَضاءِ فَإِنَّهُ
عَلى وفقِ ما قَد شاءَ ربّ الوَرى يَجري

5. And be content with what Allah has decreed
For nothing except your Master has any authority

٥. وَكُن راضِياً فيما بِهِ اللَّه قَد قَضى
فَما لِسِوى مَولاكَ شَيءٌ مِنَ الأمرِ

6. To Him belongs all judgment, planning, and command
And whatever harm or benefit He wills

٦. لَهُ الحُكمُ وَالتّدبيرُ وَالأمرُ كلُّهُ
وَما شاءَ مِن نَفعٍ وَما شاءَ مِن ضرِّ

7. And in His hand lies life, death, and perishing
And in His hand lies ordaining of good and evil

٧. وَفي يَدِهِ الإِحياءُ وَالمَوتُ وَالفَنا
وَفي يَدِهِ التّقديرُ لِلخَيرِ والشرِّ

8. He is the Chosen Doer, Most High His Majesty
And He does not act out of compulsion

٨. هُوَ الفاعِلُ المُختارُ جَلَّ جَلالَهُ
وَما هُوَ بِالمَجبورِ يَفعلُ بالجبرِ

9. So O my Master, matchless in Syria, Iraq and Egypt
Adorn yourself with excellent patience, for you are an example

٩. فَيا أَيّها المَولَى الّذي قَلَّ مِثلُهُ
كَما لا بِشامٍ وَالعراقِ وفي مصرِ

10. Followed by whoever is struck with adversity
If you, our Master, suffered the loss of a young son

١٠. تَجَمَّل بِحُسنِ الصّبرِ إِذ أَنتَ قُدوةٌ
بِها يَقتَدي مَن قَد يُصاب بِلا نكرِ

11. Whose prime of life passed him by
Then in Allah, its Giver, there is solace, and for us

١١. لَئِن كُنتَ مَولانا أُصِبتَ مُصيبةً
بِنَجلٍ صَغيرٍ فَاتَهُ فَسحَةُ العمرِ

12. He suffices as compensation for all things forever
To Allah belongs what He gives and what He takes

١٢. فَفي اللَّهِ مُعطيهِ اِعتِياضٌ وَحَسبُنا
بِهِ عِوضاً عَن كلِّ شَيءٍ مَدى الدّهرِ

13. And the right to submit in ease and hardship belongs to Him
And He only took him to make him

١٣. وَللَّهِ ما أَعطى وَما هُوَ آخِذٌ
وَحقٌّ لَهُ التّسليمُ في العُسْرِ وَاليُسْرِ

14. A forerunner who benefits and stores riches for you
So my Lord has consoled you for him

١٤. وَما أَخذُهُ إِيّاه إِلّا لِجَعلِهِ
لَكُم فَرطاً يجدي وَمِن أَنفَعِ الذّخرِ

15. And compensated you with better and multiplied the reward
And instilled patience from within your heart

١٥. فَأَحسَنَ رَبّي فيهِ عنهُ عَزاءَكُم
وَعَوَّضَكم خَيراً وَعظَّم لِلأَجرِ

16. And clothed you with the stature of high destiny
And Allah has blessed us with your long life

١٦. وَأَفرَغَ منهُ الصّبرَ داخِلَ قَلبِكم
وَأَلبَسَكُم بِالصّبرِ مِن رِفعَةِ القدرِ

17. With goodness and success openly and privately
And you remain protected by God in the cave of His keeping

١٧. وَمَنَّ عَلَينا اللَّهُ في طولِ عُمرِكُم
بِخَيرٍ وَتَوفيقٍ عَلى السرِّ والجهرِ

18. Adorned with piety and cloaked in cover
Safe from evils in self, spirit, wealth and children

١٨. وَدُمتَ بِعَينِ اللَّهِ في كَهفِ حِفظِهِ
تَجَمَّلُ بِالتّقوى وَتكنفُ بِالسّترِ

19. At ease in privacy throughout the ages
As long as stars shine or fade

١٩. مَصوناً مِنَ الأَسواءِ نَفساً وَمُهجَةً
وَمالاً وَأَولاداً في راحَةِ السرِّ

20. And the winds blow as Allah wills
And the sign of the brilliant night has vanished

٢٠. مَدى الدّهر ما قَد لاحَ أَو غابَ كَوكَبٌ
وَما إِن بِأَمرِ اللَّهِ ريحُ الصَّبا تجري

21. At the intensity of pitch darkness before dawn

٢١. وَما آيةُ اللّيلِ البهيمِ قَدِ اِنمَحَت
لَدى شِدّةِ الظّلماءِ مِن آيةِ الفَجرِ