
His glance, so alluring, is a master sorcerer

وبي لحظه الوسنان أبرع ساحر

1. His glance, so alluring, is a master sorcerer
Learned in magic, a natural born enchanter

١. وَبي لَحظُهُ الوَسنان أَبرَعُ ساحِر
تَعَلَّمَ عِلمَ السّحرِ وَاِعتادَه طَبعا

2. With his brow, near the temple of his cheek
And the arch of his brow lifted high

٢. بِجَبهَتِه في قُربِ عَقرَبِ صُدغِهِ
وَإِنّ لَها عَن قَوسِ حاجِبِهِ رَفعا

3. Each morn he watches the brilliant sun enter
And guards the garden of his cheek

٣. غَدا يَرصدُ الشّمسَ المُنيرَة بابها
وَيَحرسُ مِن رَوضِ الخدودِ لَهُ زَرعا

4. So from the narcissus of his eyes he fashions a sword
And from myrtle branches, armor he crafted

٤. فَمِن نَرجِسٍ في الطَرف صَيّر صارماً
وَصَيَّر مِن آسِ العذارِ لَهُ دِرعا