
O scattered in the garden and pasture

أيا حبذا المنثور في الروض والربى

1. O scattered in the garden and pasture
Your sight relieves the sorrowful of worries

١. أَيا حَبّذا المَنثور في الرّوضِ وَالرّبى
يُسلِّي بِمَرآهُ عَنِ الهمِّ مَهموما

2. The flowers have adorned themselves upon its branches
Look closely, you will see the scattered is surely composed

٢. تَنَظَّمَ منهُ الزّهر فَوقَ غُصونِهِ
تَأَمّل تَرى المَنثورَ لا شكّ مَنظوما