1. The sun of perfection adorned our Beirut
With its radiant rising's light when it rose and set
١. شَمسُ الكَمالِ كَسا بَيروتَنا حُلَلاً
مِنْ نُورِ طَلعَتِهِ لمّا حَلا وَحُلا
2. A gazelle of a herd whose gaze captivated hearts
And a garment of lovesickness knitted for my body
٢. غَزالُ سِربٍ غَزا الألْبابَ ناظِرُهُ
وثَوْبُ سُقْمٍ لجِسْمي بالهَوى غَزَلا
3. The full moon of beauty, the beauty of the full moon settled in it
Having settled fully in the mansion of glory and honor
٣. بَدرُ الجَمال جَمالُ البَدرِ حلَّ بها
قَد حلَّ بُرْجَ العُلى والعِزّ مُكتَمِلا
4. The unique pearl, the necklace of glory was strung
With virtues until excellence was adorned
٤. الجَوهَرُ الفَرْدُ عقدُ المَجْدِ من نُظِمَتْ
بِهِ الفَضايِلُ حَتّى زَيَّنَ الفُضَلا
5. And whoever rose high in the sky of honor
Above the stars to the peak of loftiness and ascended
٥. وَمَنْ سَما في سَماءِ العزِّ مُرْتَفِعاً
فَوقَ السِّماكِ عَلى أَوْجِ السُّهى وعَلا
6. The brilliant, excellent in deed, of noble lineage
Exalted in rank above the like of him completely
٦. الأَلمَعي حَسَنُ الأفعالِ ذُو حَسَبٍ
عليُّ قَدْرٍ عَلى أمثالِهِ كَملا
7. I mean by this Ahmad Al-Barbari whom were collected
In him qualities by which we may attain hope
٧. أَعْني بِذا أحْمَدَ البَرْبيرَ من جُمِعَتْ
فيهِ مَزايا بها قد نَبْلُغُ الأمَلا
8. The progeny of nobles, a sea of his noble deeds
Honoring his guest if he comes to him
٨. نَسْلُ الأكارِمِ بحرٌ منْ مَكارِمِهِ
إكرامُ وافِدِهِ إن نحوَهُ وصَلا
9. All beauty is light from his beauty
For when alone in beauty in the world he was comprehensive
٩. كلُّ المَحاسِنِ نورٌ من محاسِنِهِ
لَمّا عَلى الحُسْنِ من دونِ الوَرى اِشتَملا
10. He has a wondrously composed discourse, its series
Perplexing the mind with every subtle meaning
١٠. لهُ حَديثٌ غَريبُ النّظْمِ سَلسَلهُ
بكلِّ معنىً لَطيفٍ حَيَّرَ العَقلا
11. This is the rose-colored planet by which
Clouds were swept from us when anxieties departed
١١. هَذا هوَ الكَوكَبُ الزُّهْريْ الَّذي مُحِيَتْ
عنّا الغُمومُ بهِ لمّا الهُمومَ جَلا
12. I compared him to the full moon but he does not resemble it
For that disappears while this never declined
١٢. شَبَّهْتُهُ البَدْرَ لكِنْ لَيسَ يُشبِهُهُ
فَذا يَغيبُ وهذا قطُّ ما أفَلا
13. This one who contained a peerless patience
For he was created with the essence of patience
١٣. هَذا الَّذي قَد حَوى حِلماً بلا شَبَهٍ
لِأَنَّهُ مِنْ كَمالِ الحِلمِ قدْ جُبِلا
14. This one at whose sight my heart sighed passionately
So woe to whoever angers us with him!
١٤. هَذا الَّذي هامَ قلبي عندَ رُؤيَتِهِ
شجاً فَيا وَيْلَ مَنْ فيهِ لَنا عَذَلا
15. The universe smiled at him joyfully
Signaling to me that he is the axis of time without doubt
١٥. تبسَّمَ الدّهْرُ مِنْ فيهِ بهِ فَرِحاً
يُشيرُ لي أنَّهُ قُطبُ الزّمانِ بِلا
16. Seek his protection so you reap from his wonders
Necklaces of pearls until you reach your term
١٦. يَمِّمْ حِماهُ لتَجْني منْ بَدائِعِهِ
دُرَّ العُقودِ إِلى أَنْ تَبلُغَ الأجَلا
17. And seek him, the fires of calamities make smooth roads
To his sublime encampment without you slipping
١٧. وَاِقْصدْهُ تهدِكَ نيرانُ القِرى سُبلاً
لرَبْعِهِ المُعْتَلى مِنْ غَير أنْ تَسَلا
18. And be not unaware of the abundance of his comfort
For none denies it except one ignorant
١٨. ولا تَكُنْ غافِلاً عنْ فَيْضِ راحَتِهِ
فَلَيْسَ يُنْكِرُ ذا إِلّا الَّذي جَهِلا
19. His rising star remains coupled with happiness
Increasing his loftiness endlessly
١٩. لا زالَ طالِعُهُ بالسَّعْدِ مُقتَرِناً
يزيدُهُ رِفعَةً لا ينتهي وعُلا
20. No wind shook the branch of basil, and the sun of perfection adorned our Beirut
٢٠. ما هزَّ غُصنَ الرُبى ريحٌ وما نشَدَتْ
شمسُ الكَمالِ كَسا بَيْروتَنا حُلَلا